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A member registered Jan 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Adorable little defense game. I felt like it was too easy though. Could use some higher difficulty settings.

A minor bug I encountered is that you can move buildings below the "choose new card" menu when picking a card.

The building/planning would be so much better if we could build ontop of torches. They have such a low radius, that they are inevitably everywhere, and block efficient placement of marketplaces/house and other setups. What if, when you placed a building ontop of a torch, it became a lantern on the roof (just for cute visuals)?

Also it would be nice if you could chop down trees with the sawmill - it's highly profitable, but could leave your base more exposed if you chop a lot of forests. Also it gives incentive to expand outwards to claim more forests to cut - and most importantly - gives more space to build, because towards the end, it gets REALLY cramped (the torches aren't helping there either.)

It could be an upgrade card - sawmills generate twice the gold, but chop down all adjacent trees each day.

Absolutely amazing cute little game. Love it. Here's some feedback:

It has a lot of Islanders vibe, but pixel-y and on a grid. It could use the "total points if placed" display and maybe a "points per X turns" display while placing a building though.

It seems to have an algorithm to give you buildings you've already built a lot of - I got a whole town of Pie shops and capitols. This strategy seems a bit OP, since every lightning gives me around 800 gold when used on a capitol, meanwhile the hunting lodges, pie shops and lemon orchards give steady income so I never had to worry about gold at all.

There are some common buildings that don't roll in the endgame, since "Common" has only 20% to roll, but are incredibly useful - in particular the apple orchards and windmills. With this many pie shops those would give me the most coins per turn actually.

Also the lightning in a bottle item is bugged - I was only able to use it once, afterwards it was disabled and its cooldown didn't tick down. If it did work, it would have been way too OP though - trading 50g for a zap of 800g every 3 turns is a no-brainer.

I am constantly wishing for more hammers though - the gameplay would be more varied if we could re-organize our towns more. Maybe add some building that gives you hammers from chopped trees (lumber)?

Here is a screenshot of my latest town at the moment of the final payment. My colony is probably richer than the Queen herself, hah!

Indeed, problem is fixed both on Firefox and Chromium. Good job!

I do indeed have not one, but three controllers plugged in, with various amounts of buttons on them. Pretty sure they all have the basic ones though. The controllers themselves are turned off, but their wireless dongles are still counted as controllers by windows I think, so maybe that was the problem - that they actually have 0 buttons right now, lol.

(2 edits)

To be clear, the problem is still reproducible - If I close my browser, and open it again, it's still black until I open it in a new tab, after which it works as an embed as well, after I refresh this page.

Maybe it has some trouble downloading and caching the assets or somesuch, but works after getting them from the non-embedded version? No idea.

If I close the new tab ( ), and refresh the embed, it is again black.

This opening in new tab does not fix it in chromium.

Both browsers show similar errors:

Uncaught TypeError: t.buttons[n] is undefined index.html:1:71307
Uncaught TypeError: t.buttons[n] is undefined

Huh. For some reason right-clicking on the black square of the game, and clicking "This Frame > Open Frame in new tab" runs the game fine... and now it's running fine on the page too. Really weird.

I know firefox has some trouble running godot games in embeds, so they open in a new window, maybe this is a similar issue?

I played this a couple of weeks ago and it worked fine, but now it just shows a black rectangle when I press play on firefox. On chromium it is the same, but with music. Also on the client (it uses chromium too I think).

Would it be possible to make a native windows version, so we can install it via the itch launcher?

I don't think this is a good idea, as the two are completely different, and require people with different skillsets on the team. Moreover, people usually pay more attention to graphics, and will probably rate heavier on that criteria when they're mashed together like this.

If you have both an artist and sound designer on the team, they would probably be interested in seeing the score of their own category and work, unaffected by the other, in order to see how well they did.

Please separate the two categories.


Really cute and nice puzzle game! I really enjoyed it. Really reminds me of the board game "Orchard" - have you played it? I think there was a digital version around the net, or you can PnP (print 'n' play) it really easily.

Very polished version of Regicide. I used to play this game with a real deck of cards solo, it was a blast! Nice work!

Nice tool! :)

PeaZip also has this functionality and I'm loving it.

Really cute and chill little game, I loved it! <3

Loved it! Can't believe this was made in only 3 hours. Great job! <3

Alrighty, I sent you a friend request on discord. :)

I got experience is 2d pixel art, some with vector art, and 3d in blender.

Did you find an artist yet?

Can you link to some references to your desired art style, so I can see if I'm a good match? :)

A really neat and pretty game! Loved playing it.

Unfortunately there seems to be a bug that sometimes fails to transition to the "build phase" after a wave is cleared, softlocking the game and forcing a restart. Happened to me twice.

Also, it seems that just spamming AoE mushrooms and walls to guide mobs around them is a fool-proof way to win every stage. Once you build enough AoE towers to kill the toughest enemies (snails), nothing can pass your maze, no matter how many enemies are in the wave. I suggest making a boss after the last wave to counteract this tactic. Or maybe make an enemy type that is highly resistant to AoE.

Absolutely adorable and fun tower defense, I had a blast playing! Took me two tries, but I got the hang of it the second time around. Loved every second of it. Thanks for making this! <3

Really great game! Loved the switching mechanic. Everything is very polished and with attention to detail, and the atmosphere is lovely spooky! Great job! :)

Unfortunately the palette switching didn't work for me in Firefox.

Thank you for the coverage! I loved watching you play. I'm glad you liked it :)

And yes, catching the big one on a keyboard is tough, even I had some trouble with it. Good job!

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you liked it! :)

Really neat game, I absolutely loved the characters and story narrative, as well as the graphics and music. :)

Unfortunately I ran into a bug after the first boss that made me unable to jump or use abilities, so I got stuck and couldn't continue. :/

Pretty standard as far as platformers go, although I ran into issues that forced me to restart several times, mostly getting stuck in a corner grapple when I shouldn't have - once on the edge of movable boxes. Also on level 1 if you push the second box gently, you can't pass either way if it falls dead center on the button, causing a restart. The third time was again on the edge of a box next to a trampoline, causing me the lock up and jump up and down in the "holding" animation.

That being said, the graphics and especially sound/music design is very good. Really catches the gameboy feeling spot-on. Great job there! :)

Sorry for your knuckles 😅

I really should have implemented that "easy reel" option I talked about. And also put a "controller recommended" note on the game page.

Glad you liked the graphics. ❤️

Yeah, especially on keyboard it's literally painful. Maybe I should have put a "Controller highly recommended" prompt. :D

Even still, it depends on the controller itself how good the reeling will feel. On mine the entire D-pad is one solid platform, so "rotating" it takes some force, but it's doable. Still way harder than the joystick, which is the best experience in my opinion. Not very gameboy-ish though, since that thing didn't have a joystick. :D

Lovely game! Very gameboy-ish indeed. You even made a version for GB, that's amazing!

The bats are such a pain! If you don't run straight past them they can hit you twice too.

Also respawning could be more forgiving, like spawning you at the start of the screen, not the start of the level.

Graphics and sound is top notch, great job on these!

This was lovely! I really liked the atmosphere and narrative.

The darkness mechanic was nicely implemented. The character's "death" animation gives a clue to what's really going on :P

Damn that was spooky. The jumpscares actually made me jump.

It's a nice piece of art, loved the writing, atmosphere and graphics. Not very gameboy-ish though, due to it being 3D, but that's fine.

By the way, mark your file as "Windows", so it can be downloaded from the client.

Damn, but fishing is complicated!

I took me quite a while to figure out how to make a fish actually bite, and even then most fish just ignore me 90% of the time, no matter what bait I'm using. It might be nice to tweak the bite rate, or maybe add some visual indication what bite the fish likes, because currently it's just a guessing game.

The graphics and audio are superb and the whole feel of the game is nice and creepy. I love fishing games (duh) but this one stumped me. Maybe it requires more patience than I have. Guess that makes me a bad fisherman :D

That was really good, but also really complex. Got my butt kicked by the AI. I guess I don't know how to autochess.

The soundtrack rocks!

I don't know, I guess I always bind things around the WASD when I play games, so I went with what I would use. I actually intended to have a settings menu where you could rebind keys, but I didn't have time for that and I expected most people to use a controller for games in this jam :D

And yeah, no time for sound either :(

It was supposed to be quiet but not that quiet.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words! :)

I actually didn't have time to code in a spawning method for the fish schools, so they are hand-placed. I also didn't have time to check if all of them are accessible... oops :D
They have quite the generous collision shape though, so even if you fish around them, you might hit them.

It was really tough to balance the reeling mechanic. On one hand, doing it with the keyboard is REALLY hard (I got good at it eventually, but it's a quick shortcut to carpal tunnel syndrome). On the other hand, if you do it with a controller, it's too easy - especially if you're using a joystick and not the D-pad. So if you're having trouble, grab a controller for easymode.

I actually wanted to implement an "easy reel" mechanic for people who found it too hard that would just use Up and Down to control the hook, but I couldn't get around to it. That's why the options menu is nonfunctional :D

Absolutely genius game! The puzzles were really clever and tough and made you think. That last one had me in a pickle. The game has a lot of potential for further development - more levels, maybe even a user-accessible map creation tool? Maps could be exported as raw text and shared around like Sokoban levels. I'd love to see what people come up with.

Absolutely 10/10 and a winner candidate in my book <3

This is winner material. Really good and polished game! Really hard too, the second boss whoops my butt pretty thoroughly.

On the second stage some enemies aren't loading though. I get a "warning" but no enemy spawns. Also special rooms could be more exciting - getting 5g chest or a shrine/well when you need neither is disappointing.

Honestly, this could be a really fun roguelike once it's all fleshed out. Graphics, SFX and everything is awesome!

Love it! I wish there were more areas to explore and people to scare.

Also apparently I don't know how to spell. I did try "TREE", but that didn't check it off the list. What am I supposed to spell out? :D

Awesome stream!

If you're in dire need of more games (lol), here I come to the rescue:

Ouch, that font anti-aliasing really hurts the aesthetic. Turn off all kinds of filtering and AA in Project Settings>Rendering subsection in Godot.

This really has 5/5 the soul of an old gameboy game. Right down to the instant deaths from spikes below your screen that you couldn't have foreseen :D

Also that main menu music rocks. Set it on loop, though, it only plays once.

Hey, mark your downloads with the appropriate platform they're for, because currently people can't download them through the client ;)

I'd be really interested to see where you take the game post-jam. Given that it was made without an engine, it's quite the achievement already. You really got a taste of what gamedev was back then, since I don't think there were any commercial engines around GB's time :D

You could go for a more puzzle-y route for combat - to defeat enemies with limited resources by exploiting their weaknesses and such. Something like Desktop Dungeons' puzzle levels if you know that game.

Good luck with your project! <3

Tell me about it. Physics and collisions nearly made me quit gamedev on my first ever game :D

I was making a tetris clone and couldn't for the life of me make the damn blocks update their physics processes when they should. I ended up using an unhealthy amount of raycasts with raycast physics update calls just to get things kinda working. So yeah, I feel your pain :D

I should try to make such shaders. When making my game I was constantly afraid that some kind of anti-aliasing or other godot rendering function would ruin my carefully png-indexed pallette :D

A really cool idea! Love that kind of games.

Unfortunately, dying seems to be buggy. On respawning, I always have only 1 bone and the others don't respawn, so it's really easy to get stuck after dying. Also my controller wasn't recognized for some reason.

The graphics are GOREgeous! Love that lighting shader you have going on. Wish I knew how to do those things :D