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Repeating 9-Patch Panel Sprite Glitch

A topic by Goat Emperor I created Jan 28, 2023 Views: 126 Replies: 4
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I’m trying to use a 9-patch panel sprite, but with repetition these weird grid lines are showing for some reason:

?Image of line artifacts in 9-patch


  • Camera is at 2.0 zoom level
  • Camera centered on top left screen quadrant (flooring doesn’t work)
  • Project is pixel-perfect
  • All margins set to 16px
  • Base size set to 64px
  • Image size is 64px
  • Inner solid area starts at 16th pixel

Could someone more experienced please help me out a bit? What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance!


For now I have decided to use stretching instead. This results in losing the edge patterns, but they’re still there on the corners. You have to cut corners for efficiency when you have a deadline. Things can be polished off after the jam has concluded.


i have no idea what panel sprites are  but I'm excited to see your game

Submitted (1 edit)

♥ Thanks for your enthusiasm! We’ll do our best!

They’re the kind of images that consist of 3x3 regions, practically the 4 corners, 4 edges and the surface section. GDevelop can stretch or tile these regions, but only stretching works for me.


ok thanks for answering my question