I like the aesthetic and music of this game, it's very fitting with the theme.
In terms of the platforming, I noticed there were many times where the character had to do "trust falls" or trial & error to get past certain areas (i.e., falling down the hole and landing on the ground without spikes). I wouldn't mind this as much if there was a more convenient checkpoint or an faster way to quickly respawn on the level so I can attempt again (instead of having to click a button to restart each time). I noticed one of the enemies acted like a spike (if the character jumped on top of the enemy, the character would die). I'm not sure if this was intentional.
I ended up not being able to get past the narrow jump over spikes "underground" after falling down the hole, since I'm not great at platforming haha.
Overall, I think this game has a lot of potential! I personally would appreciate having more checkpoints or allowing the player to quickly iterate through attempts, so trial & error isn't as punishing. I am really terrible at platforming games though, so I can totally understand if this game is targeting a different type of player than me.
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