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A member registered May 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing, and for bringing this "restart game" bug to our attention.  We'll make a note of it our page!

Thank you so much for playing!  Glad you enjoyed it. :D

Thank you so much for playing! :D

Thank you very much for playing and for your feedback!  We’ll keep it in mind for our next jam.

Thank you for playing!  Glad you had a calming experience. ;)

Thanks for playing and letting us know about the sound issue!  We’ll see if we can fix it after the jam.

Thanks!!  Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much for playing! :D

Thank you so much for playing, and for the kind comments!  Glad you enjoyed it!

Most of the font is Yoster Island: https://www.1001fonts.com/yoster-island-font.html

I am left-handed, haha.  I guess that explains it.  

The graphics of this game are really stunning, and it's amazing you created all the assets during the jam!  I really like the character design of the main wizard.

Unfortunately, I am easily prone to motion sickness, so I wasn't able to get that far into the game.  My main feedback is that the controls felt a bit difficult to manage.  I was controlling the camera with the mouse and using the arrow keys to navigate, so in order to ready a spell, I would have to either stop moving or not move the camera, so I could hit Q and E. 

Overall, nice job with this!  I wish I could have played more, but my motion sickness got the best of me.

Interesting spin on rock paper scissors!  Definitely adds a new strategy layer to the game.

I love the art style you came up with for the game.  It fits well and the pink background makes everything pop!

I did initially get confused on how the points system worked, but after playing a few rounds, it was easy enough to catch on.  Nicely done, and quite charming!

Great job with this puzzle game!  Though I've played games with similar puzzle mechanics in the game jam, I think this one has one of the most clean implementations I've seen.  I love the straightforward presentation of the puzzle with clear graphics, the constant option to "UNDO" is a very nice quality of life feature, and the puzzles are designed well and are not too challenging to get through (for several similar games, I wasn't able to get all the way through).  The credits were soooo well done, probably one of the best credits I've seen in the jam so far (and that cheeky rotating tile puzzle at the end was a nice send off haha).  Good job creating such a polished experience!

This is a nice puzzler!  I like the pastel aesthetics of the game, and the level designs seem well paced.  My mind is not nimble enough to know which die face will come up next, so I did primarily rely on trial and error + if the dice seemed to "fall into place" with the puzzle (i.e., the dice face reveals a 3, and there's a path that uses exactly 3 spaces).  It's impressive that you designed all these puzzles within the jam period.  Great job overall!

This was a really creative take on the theme!  It was fun weighing the trade offs of taking larger dice for your ship vs. managing the number of enemies on the board.  I wish I had eliminated more of my smaller dice when I had the chance haha!

The controls feel really responsive and smooth.  I appreciated how maneuverable the ship was when gunning enemies, and the strong attacks like the blue lazers felt really satisfying.

Overall, this was really fun!  Amazing job on this game!

Great job with the puzzle designs!  To me, it felt like they hit the sweet spot of difficulty. The puzzles were challenging enough that I experienced the "a-ha!" moment a few times when I found the solution, but not too challenging - I never felt like I was completely stuck.  I think I was stuck the longest on the 1st level, when I was still figuring out how the dice grenade worked haha!  

The puzzle mechanic itself was unique and creative.  I had fun playing!  Great job with this!

This game looks so polished, I'm amazed it could be produced in 48 hours!  I love the character design for the main character and all the dice.  All the little flourishes (like the dice joining scenes) really adds a lot of character to this game.

I appreciated the element of exploration to find new dice friends and get past increasingly difficult challenges.  A really fun take on the theme, and a super enjoyable experience overall!

Thanks for playing!  I'm definitely interested in exploring this type of game format more, so I'm glad to hear you think it could be expanded upon.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Thank you so much for playing!

Thank you so much for playing!  Congrats on getting the "true end".

Addictive clicker game!  The upgrades are a nice touch in making layouts interesting.

This was fun!  I liked the visuals of the game, and how you used chess movements for all the enemies.  It really felt like I should plan my movements a few steps ahead, especially on the higher levels. 

There were a few moments where I didn't really have a good choice for a next move, but such is the nature of RNG.  I'm impressed you were able to put in so many levels in just the jam time.  Nice work!

Thank you so much for playing!

Yeah, I think a sound effect would be pretty effective!

Super creative take on the theme!  Really enjoyed the chaos of the constant changes.

What a nice idea making the die giving obstacles for the golfing game!  The variety of the banes makes the game very enjoyable.  Also good job on the assets, they look very nice!  I also love the fact that when you get the food bane sometimes it rains sushi XDD.

The polish on this game is off the charts! 

I love the artwork and vibe, and the little flourishes added (i.e. the dino transition) really makes this game stand out.  The gameplay is also very intuitive and fun.  Really nice work on this!

A fighting game where the movesets are randomized every few seconds is a very interesting idea!

I played single player and tested the controls, and they seemed responsive and intuitive.

My main points of feedback: It would be nice to have some indicator on what the current moveset is, so I could immediately react to the change.  The background tileset is also a bit "noisy", which could distract from focusing on the players themselves.

 I wasn't able to test with a 2nd player, so I didn't get the full experience. But overall, this seems like it has a lot of potential!

This game kind of reminds me of mine sweeper, but in space XD.  After I have put enough satellites the game started becoming more clear to me.  It does feel good to try to fill up the part of the map to try to prevent any new enemies from arriving.  Good job on the game! :D

Oh. My.  Goodness.

This might honestly be my favorite game in the jam.  It felt like it was designed and made specifically for me. XD

I literally laughed out loud several times, great job on the writing!

I replayed it to try both endings, and the results were... interesting. ;)

It gave me super Stanley Parable vibes.  Would recommend to everyone.

Fantastic work!

Thank you so much for playing!  Congrats on getting the "true end"!

The game's vibe and art style are so on-point!  Really impressed that you were able to pull it off for the jam. 

The dice rolls determining the jumps is an interesting idea, though I would have liked the player to have more control in some way (i.e., temporarily fixing one die roll, to set up for longer jumps).

Overall, I had fun!  Nice job with this.

This was such a creative take on the theme!  The golfing was very intuitive, and I had fun trying to adjust my shots depending on the random status effect from the die.

The aesthetics of the game were also really nice.  I could definitely imagine other wacky levels that you could have come up with, given more time.  I would love to play more stages!

Really nicely done!

I really love the vibe of this game!  The emotions corresponding to dice rolls was an interesting mechanic, and I kept the emotion chart open most of the time for deciphering the combinations.

I felt 7 seconds was a bit tight on the time to make the decision, but I can understand why you kept it short to increase the tension of the game.  I usually just hit the "All in" button if I was certain of the combination, or the "1/4" button if I was throwing the match due to time running out. 

It would be nice for the player to also be able to click the decision buttons first before selecting a die (right now, it seems like you must select a die before selecting a betting amount).  I had a tendency to try and hit the decision buttons first, which resulted in some time loss.

Overall, this was fun!  Nice job!

Ahhh, that makes sense.  I should have tried to clear rooms of enemies to see what happened.  I was really set on exploring haha.

Thanks for playing!

I thought the main character's dash attack was pretty unique.  Since there's a lot of top-down shooters in the jam, I was half-expecting to be shooting things, but was pleasantly surprised and refreshed.  I also like the vibe and music of the game - it was suiting for a retro dungeon crawler.

My main feedback is that there didn't feel like there was a compelling enough reason to fight the monsters (since you can easily run past them) or gather coins.  I did find the heart pool room, which was neat!  I would have loved to see more variation in the rooms, though I can understand the jam has a pretty short time limit to get things done.

Overall, I had fun!  Nice job with this!

I liked that RNG was your nemesis haha!  The aesthetics of this game was very unique and vibrant, and the puzzles assembling and dissembling as you solved (or failed) them was neat.  I wasn't able to get past the 3rd puzzle, but I think that's the fault of my brain and not the game.  The level design was good and introduced all the mechanics in a clear way.  Nice work!

You nailed the design on the guardians, they really freaked me out whenever they got close haha!

I'm terrible at platformers, so I was initially having trouble making the jumps and getting sent back to the beginning.  Once I figured out how to jump higher and dash, I was able to make it to the goal.  I appreciated that falling didn't cause an instant death or make you take damage, since I wouldn't have made it very far if that was the case.

I really like the game vibe, and the constant risk of getting another guardian when rolling dice (I still ended up taking every dice I could).  Nice job!