This is a nice little game. The graphics were simple, but still done well for the GameBoy limitation. Nice job!
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The issue with the crashing after the level is a known issue, and is fixed on my local. It isn't crashing, per se, but let's just say I made a change to the pause mode of a node without testing it, and it ended up affecting the win screen as well.. Found the issue after submission, but figured it wasn't necessarily game-breaking, since it didn't show up until after the level was complete, so I just called it out in the comments of the page.
Thank you for your feedback!
This was definitely enjoyable! I love the game art!
Couple points:
- It is a bit floaty (for me, at least). If this was a design choice, then this isn't an issue
- I feel the switching button should've been mapped to, say, the space bar, since that was just another jump button. Would remove the need for two hands on the keyboard.
Otherwise, great entry, and great developer cameo!
I enjoyed this quite a bit! I enjoyed the simplicity; didn't require much thought, which is a nice cool-down game after work.
Couple notes:
- (As others have mentioned) the traps are hard to pick out until I already stepped on a few
- The HUD taking up a good amount of the top made it a bit difficult traveling towards the top of the map
Otherwise, an over all great entry!
Thank you for your feedback! The hard resetting was definitely something I found I didn't like with the bigger maps while doing my last testing, but I just ran out of time to address it. I have some ideas on how I can do this, and definitely plan on expanding this concept post-ranking. This was one of the most involved games I have made, and I was able to try out many new things, which was exciting!
Nice little game. One thing that kept throwing me off was the controls didn't align with what I saw. The correct directions are linked to the correct arrow key, but needing to switch between the up and down keys with the same finger didn't feel natural, and made it a bit difficult. I think 4 consecutive keys would have fixed this (e.g., "ASDF"). Very well could just be an issue for me, though. Regardless, great concept and simple execution, making this a good game over all.
Thank you for the feedback! If I decide to continue work on this, I will definitely take that into consideration.
In regards to changing the color, it followed the ROYGBIV of the rainbow, and each time the player lands on the correct color in the sequence the points scored would increase by more (1, then 3, then 5, and so on). Is this not what you saw?