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A jam submission

In SyncView game page

Submission for the Godot XR Game Jam
Submitted by 0xtito
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
User experience - How well was the user interaction implemented.#202.4523.143
Audio - Did the entry make good use of audio?#212.6753.429
Fun factor - How much fun was the entry to play.#222.3413.000
Originality - How original was the entry.#222.7863.571
Haptics - Did the entry make good use of haptics?#241.3371.714
Theme incorporation - How well did the entry fit the theme.#242.2292.857

Ranked from 7 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • For a first, this was a good effort, hope you will continue learning and next jam you'll do well.
  • I like the concept of the visual experience for the sounds.

Godot version used

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Very cool concept! Watching visualizations along with music is very mesmerizing (and relaxing!) on its own, so making those visualizations happen all around you in VR, _and_ being in response to your own actions - wonderful idea. Congrats on getting as much done as you did within the jam timeframe! I know you didn't manage to complete your whole vision, but what you have works quite well, and does show that the concept has potential :-)


A fellow music entry, we should have collaborated! :) I love the idea of the environment reacting to the instruments, your vision for it sounded great. This is my first game jam and even though it's probably better to stick with things you know in a limited timeframe, I was super happy when I got some things working. It can be a learning and problem solving exercise, and what you learn can be applied in the future :)