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A jam submission

Constellation Coach VRView game page

Relax and learn a few constellations by finding them in the virtual night sky!
Submitted by David Snopek (@snopekgames), Logan Lang (@DevLogLogan), michael_shaten — 3 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Haptics - Did the entry make good use of haptics?#14.3084.308
Theme incorporation - How well did the entry fit the theme.#34.5384.538
User experience - How well was the user interaction implemented.#43.7693.769
Originality - How original was the entry.#53.9233.923
Fun factor - How much fun was the entry to play.#63.6923.692
Audio - Did the entry make good use of audio?#73.6153.615

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • Very nice ambiance, and a good teaching aid.
  • Great game, really loved it!

Godot version used
Godot 4.3-beta3

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Seconding the really nice haptic feedback for dialing things in. Pretty hard to actually find the constellations visually though; I think the magnitude scale is too compressed; either dimmer stars should be smaller/dimmer, or brighter stars even brighter/larger. Holding up the cards to match was physically difficult for me (shoulder issues); would be nice to have a raycast from head or hand option too.


Thanks for the feedback!


I´m terrible in astronomy, a little help with some bright and light could be really helpful. But nice idea and good implementation of the haptics. ;)




Awesome job!  The haptics not being there on the web version really does make it harder lol, other than that the only comment I have is that the overall brightness of the table area could be tuned down a bit, but thats really the only critique I think I have, well done!




The matching system of the constellations was a very nice idea, and the haptic feedback was very well integrated ! The fireworks at the end was also a nice touch :)


Thanks! I'm glad to hear that some folks are making it to the fireworks :-)


Excellent entry. If you don’t have any stargazing experience, the haptic hints works very well. Could be improved by letting the cards be less bright, and they could also have been rotated a bit so you don’t have to twist you wrist as much.


Thanks! I agree that the cards could be improved, but in a jam there's only so much time for iteration :-)


I agree about the haptic feedback. It was so well done in this game!


Thanks :-)


Great game! Relaxing environment, game play and music :) I really enjoyed the whole game and I appreciated the firework!

Small note: It is not so easy to make the card overlaps the stars in the sky because it actually hides the part of the sky you are interested in. It would have been nice to make the card slightly transparent when pointed to the sky :)


Thanks! I'm glad you made it to the fireworks - since it has turned out to be harder for folks than I had hoped, I was worried no one would get to see them :-)

I agree that perhaps making the cards somewhat transparent could have helped. But in a jam there's only so much time for playtesting and  iteration :-)


Recorded my playthrough


Thanks for playing and sharing the recording! It's always great to be able to watch folks play :-)