284 entries were submitted between 2021-07-09 10:00:00 and 2021-07-12 12:00:00. 3,538 ratings were given to 293 entries (100.0%) between 2021-07-12 12:00:00 and 2021-07-26 23:50:00. The average number of ratings per game was 12.5 and the median was 9.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall | #1 | 4.313 | 4.313 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #1 | 4.650 | 4.650 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #4 | 4.350 | 4.350 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #6 | 4.100 | 4.100 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #27 | 4.150 | 4.150 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall | #2 | 4.292 | 4.292 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #2 | 4.750 | 4.750 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #2 | 4.417 | 4.417 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #8 | 4.083 | 4.083 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #20 | 3.917 | 3.917 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #3 | 4.412 | 4.412 |
Overall | #21 | 3.875 | 3.875 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #36 | 3.500 | 3.500 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #39 | 3.559 | 3.559 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #40 | 4.029 | 4.029 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #1 | 4.267 | 4.267 |
Overall | #3 | 4.217 | 4.217 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #4 | 4.400 | 4.400 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #13 | 4.033 | 4.033 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #24 | 4.167 | 4.167 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #1 | 4.800 | 4.800 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #4 | 4.400 | 4.400 |
Overall | #5 | 4.183 | 4.183 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #14 | 4.333 | 4.333 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #79 | 3.200 | 3.200 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #2 | 4.750 | 4.750 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #4 | 4.400 | 4.400 |
Overall | #13 | 4.050 | 4.050 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #31 | 3.650 | 3.650 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #54 | 3.400 | 3.400 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #7 | 4.313 | 4.313 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #36 | 3.500 | 3.500 |
Overall | #48 | 3.609 | 3.609 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #74 | 3.250 | 3.250 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #100 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #7 | 4.091 | 4.091 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #8 | 4.273 | 4.273 |
Overall | #10 | 4.091 | 4.091 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #15 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #42 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #9 | 4.250 | 4.250 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #17 | 4.313 | 4.313 |
Overall | #24 | 3.828 | 3.828 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #51 | 3.438 | 3.438 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #52 | 3.313 | 3.313 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #10 | 4.243 | 4.500 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #20 | 3.889 | 4.125 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #29 | 3.653 | 3.875 |
Overall | #29 | 3.801 | 4.031 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #92 | 3.418 | 3.625 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #11 | 4.211 | 4.211 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #23 | 4.211 | 4.211 |
Overall | #23 | 3.855 | 3.855 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #30 | 3.684 | 3.684 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #51 | 3.316 | 3.316 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #3 | 4.353 | 4.353 |
Overall | #7 | 4.147 | 4.147 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #10 | 4.059 | 4.059 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #12 | 4.176 | 4.176 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #42 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #6 | 4.517 | 4.517 |
Overall | #8 | 4.147 | 4.147 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #11 | 4.138 | 4.138 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #13 | 4.172 | 4.172 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #28 | 3.759 | 3.759 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #8 | 4.083 | 4.083 |
Overall | #12 | 4.063 | 4.063 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #14 | 4.167 | 4.167 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #20 | 3.917 | 3.917 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #34 | 4.083 | 4.083 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #15 | 4.143 | 4.143 |
Overall | #64 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #84 | 3.143 | 3.143 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #103 | 3.357 | 3.357 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #103 | 2.857 | 2.857 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #16 | 4.130 | 4.130 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #17 | 3.913 | 3.913 |
Overall | #20 | 3.880 | 3.880 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #38 | 4.043 | 4.043 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #42 | 3.435 | 3.435 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #17 | 4.125 | 4.125 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #29 | 3.688 | 3.688 |
Overall | #41 | 3.641 | 3.641 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #56 | 3.281 | 3.281 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #86 | 3.469 | 3.469 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #13 | 3.975 | 3.975 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #17 | 4.125 | 4.125 |
Overall | #18 | 3.919 | 3.919 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #26 | 3.750 | 3.750 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #55 | 3.825 | 3.825 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #10 | 4.176 | 4.176 |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #19 | 4.118 | 4.118 |
Overall | #28 | 3.809 | 3.809 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #47 | 3.471 | 3.471 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #84 | 3.471 | 3.471 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Relevance (Creative Expression of Theme) | #20 | 4.115 | 4.115 |
Aesthetic Flair (Graphics & Sound Presentation) | #37 | 4.077 | 4.077 |
Overall | #37 | 3.702 | 3.702 |
Immersion (Gameplay & Storytelling Engagement) | #60 | 3.269 | 3.269 |
Technical Excellence (Design & Engineering) | #62 | 3.346 | 3.346 |