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Can the game include the option to play with others, so long as it mainly can be done solo?

A topic by Tofu Sheets Visual created Feb 08, 2022 Views: 131 Replies: 4
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There's an idea for a TTRPG I have, and is mostly geared to solo play (it has multiple "modes" and scenarios), but it does include options where you can play with others if you want. So my question is... is a game that includes the ability to play with other people alright, so long as it can be played solo and that's the main thing? 


Personally I'd prefer if it's designed solo-first, because solo has different challenges from group games. But since you say it's mostly solo, I'd say it's fine if you include variant rules involving group play. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Thank you! I'm still figuring out what I want to do with it, so I am tweaking a lot of things, but it is designed with solo play in mind simply with an optional variant if you wanted to play with others, but it's meant to be solo game!




Yes, most solo games can be played with a group with minor tweaks. Designing a solo game is a bit harder, since you have to include basically an AI GM in the system. Those AI GM mechanics can usually become adventure building tools for a live person GM.