Magical Girl Z is officially in Development
Time to announce the development of a short game for the Magical Girl Jam and RPG Maker Stay at Home jam: Magical Girl Z!
Do you like magical girls? Do you like darker renditions of the genre while making fun of it? Do you like ZOMBIE FIGHTS?!?! Well then Magical Girl Z is for you! Meet Zelle, a middle aged office worker convinced that Bitch Sandra from HR must have slipped her LSD in her coffee because suddenly this dog is saying she must become a magical girl to save her city from zombies?!?
-A turn based fighting system with custom battlers and animations
-An adult look at the ridiculousness that the magical girl premise is and a playful look at how the zombie apocalypse and disbelief mix.
-Beautifully gritty Pop! Horror graphics, perfect for this mix of genres.
-The entire game will have about 10 minutes of game play, and will be my attempt at a very short, but polished, game.
Adding some character graphics and the face graphics I edited to be more magical girl-like: