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No Name Game - Brainstorming

A topic by Loris - Saddy4 - Casagrandi created May 12, 2020 Views: 126 Replies: 2
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Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

So, I am not and I was not planning to join, but I was thrilled by reading all your ideas, so I flushed my brain on a paper. 

I started by the idea of playing with the idea of having more maps and stretching out the border of this definition.

Missing things that i need to change or detail better:

  1. Characters creation
  2. Setting Up Scenes
  3. Scene ending and consequences over the world
  4. General settings of the game a the table
  5. I want to change the interaction between the Dark and the Light and i want to made the changes to the world based on how they scene ends

Raw idea

 You and all the player own a map made of three huge hexagons and 3 smaller squares. Every hexagon is a territory, draw something on it, a mountain, a river, a forest, everything. You decide the scale of the element in it if you draw a mountain range, the meaning is that this important as a range mountain, if you draw only a mountain, this mountain is special for some reason. Things in different hexagons are divided for some reason but they are part of the whole, a land and a sea are divided by being two different types of natural element but, if you want a huge level of detail, you could also use two hexagons for drawing a city divided in two by some reason (e.g. economical, racial, etc). Give a name to every hexagon, if you like it. Choose one of your three squares, name it. This will be the main protagonist. His emotion has the power of changing the environment, around it. You know that he doesn't. Choose another square, name it. This is the love and the light(i will call it Light from now on) of your protagonist, when they are together you can move one hexagon or swap it with another as you please. Choose another square, name it. This is the cursed((i will call it Dark from now on) love of your protagonist, he brings corruption and perdition, when you move one hexagon or swap two hexagons in a way that put more hexagon between you and the Light. At the start of the game you have your maps, but they are part of a whole, it's time to share them so going in rounds: every player put a hexagon in the centre of the table near to another already present (decide randomly how puts the fist hexagon).  Now give your Light and your Dark to the other player, if playing in two, or if three or more Light goes to your left, Dark to your Right. All the player go in rounds placing the received Light and Darks on a hexagon, one at a time. The Light and the Dark of the same character cannot go in the same hexagon. After that, all the player take one round placing the protagonist in an empty hexagon. All the player take round setting up and playing a scene. For the set up you always use your protagonist, the hexagon in which he is located and every other protagonists, Lights or Darks present here. In the first scene, your protagonist is by himself, remembering why he wants to reach is Light and what he misses about his Dark. At the end of every scene you move your character in another space.


Before I'll go on with the brainstorming design, do you think it is on the topic or am I am stretching too much the concept of more than one maps?

Right now I know it is more like "I made up a map of different parts", but I'm planning to bring back the maps somehow in the settings so I can justify why the protagonist should move towards his Light or his Dark.

PS: I know that it is strange to start from the mechanics instead that from the "experience" and the setting, but I know that I wanted to play around with the concept of maps and changing maps and I wanted to make the mechanics push the fiction here, so I started from there confident that this will bring me to something I like. (this could also be not true, still, I wanted to give it a shot. Worst case, I used this idea for getting a better grasp of what experience I wanted to create since now I only have a gut feeling about it right now)

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

My inspiration: sense8

So, I'm going on with the public self-brainstorming:

  1. Three characters: one Protagonist, one Light, one Dark are characters. They are represented on a square with a name (if wanted)
  2. Three "territories": hexagon Tile you will use to draw part of your map, name them. 
  3. The character is roaming through the map to find his Light and his Dark

Playing in Scene:

First Scene 

 Say what your protagonist is doing, while he is doing that thing, he is thinking about his current journey say what you miss the most about the Dark, say why you want to reach the Light. The player, or  the players, you gave your Light and Dark describe it with one quality based on your description, they write it down on its square, it could be an adjective or o something qualitative like an emotion, example "violent", "sad", "apathetic", "energetic", "sexy", "too much", "not enough", "lonely".

You can choose to move your character where you want.

Scene during the game: 

I want to split the action "move light and dark", "move protagonist" and "move the tiles" across this scene, I dunno how

  1. If you are alone or with other Lights and Darks of other protagonists, you describe a scene where you are struggling, you want to reach your Light but you also miss your Dark. Describe what you are doing and where you can see the Light and the Dark of the other people present here, if they are on the map with you they are always present. For example, my Light has the quality `optimistic` and my Dark is `not enough`, here are present Giulia's Dark "overcommitment" and Mario's Light "Compassion". We are on a mountain Tile so I describe my Protagonist, Josef, struggling along the path leading to the other part of the mountain, he is tired and without water, he's resting, he really wants to go on and be positive, but at the same time, his skinny and painful legs are asking to rest here some days. The Light and the Dark see him and talk to Josef. They encourage him to go on. The Light part of Josef prevail. 
    If you are alone in a tile, the Dark always win.  
  2. If you are with other Protagonists, you have an interaction with him/them. You can see him/them from distance or directly interact, at the end of the scene your protagonist will end up having a quality of the one of the other protagonist Light or Dark. You know something different know, from your Light and Dark only.
  3. If you are with your Light and/or Darks, you have meet them finally. Now you will bring them with you and they change how you will behave. 

Ending of the game

When all the protagonists have met their light or dark once, the game can end. Also, after your protagonist has found one of the two, can continue searching the other part or can stop here and narrate how he will stop in the current tile forever with his found part, instead of continuing his journey. If you find all the two parts, you will narrate in the tile you found the last part, how your journey ends here during your next turn. When you narrate the end of your journey, you tell us what your protagonist found about himself.

When all the protagonist have ended their journey, draw a connection map. Draw circles, in each circle, write the name of a protagonist or a Light or a Dark until you wrote all the names. Then by looking at your protagonist and draw a line to his Light and/or his Dark if he ended his journey with it. Then look at your protagonist quality, draw a line between you and the other protagonist.


Like in Sense8 your Protagonist has a strong emotional and supernatural link with his Dark and his Light, this his why he can follow them without knowing where they are. He has the stronger power among the trio, this is why he's attracted by both and this is why he has the less distinct temper. When two protagonists are in the same place, they influence each other through the member of their trio, in a way this makes you vulnerable to the extern, it will change you, in a way this makes you stronger, you can obtain a quality that you will not be able to have by being all alone.