hey I’m a composer and audio designer. My website is linked here: https://www.tcedwardscomposer.com
send me an email if you’d like to collab for the jam
Hey! I'm an artist and animator, 25+, looking to join a chill team! ☆ This is my first Jam as well! I'm good at 2D art (mainly semi-realism and anime styles) as well as pixel art. My instagram is @spireshi if you want examples!
Otherwise, I know web dev as well (mainly just frontend, JS and CSS) 👍
My discord is same as my insta, if you want to chat more! I could send you art examples there as well :)
Hey! I really resonate with your goals for the Jam and would love to chat more about possibly working together :)
My discord is bread5329, this is my art portfolio: kimberlyh0ang.myportfolio.com