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Hey Need some help

A topic by IDENTIC created Mar 03, 2022 Views: 240 Replies: 8
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Hello! I am a 12 year old inspired game dev with a channel this is my first game jam any tips for me?


Definitely do not try to make a big game with cool graphics and awesome sounds. Work on making a short, simple game with an interesting and easy to make mechanic and focus on making the game fun and playable, even if it is short. Very often people overplan (myself included) and end up not being able to finish as they have set too many goals that cant be accomplished within the time given.

Hope this helps you!


Thank You Jaya i really appreciate you


make a beautifull game, but not make a ULTRA BEAUTIFULL COMPLETE VERSION ULTRA 8K GTX 900000 GAME. just a simple and fun game to play (of course the gfx depends on you).




I find that to help with keeping the scoop small, you should make an arcade style game(because its hard  to over scoop for those).


yo same

Here's my tip for you, try to make a game in 1-3 hours, then expand on that.  This will help you decrease the chance of overscoping allowing you if you want, to add more ideas because you've already done the main game idea in those past 3 hours.

If you can develop your main idea in just a few hours, then you can move on from there. Add levels, add art, and polish the life out of your game. If you can't make that game idea in a few hours, maybe take a look at the idea again.