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A member registered Aug 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for trying it out!  I'm really glad that many people saw Downwell in this one since it was a huge inspiration for the look and feel of the game :D.  I'm really sorry for the lack of content in the game but I'm very happy that it entertained you even for a bit :D

Wow, you're almost at my high score (14000M). :O  Thank you so much for playing this little thing I made! :D

Thank you so much!  Downwell was a huge inspiration for me when I was thinking about what style the game would have.  I'm glad you saw that too. Thank you for playing this little thing! :D

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This is just so silly and that's why I LOVE IT!  Every piece of artwork is just so quirky and funny, from the lightbulb bugs to the goofy frogs.  I also love how everything seems so silly yet the music sounds like it came from a tribal ritual to summon the mother of all frogs alive and eat humanity whole :D

Seriously, though, the cute art coupled with the music already gives this game so much charm.  The main mechanic adds life to the quirky atmosphere.  A funny artwork without a sense of life behind it will not make it any more than just an artwork.  The level of panic I had while frantically looking for the keys I'm supposed to press and hitting the wrong kills while a green circle for a frog slowly creeps up to me will always be the most hilarious moment, I had in this entire game jam.  An absolutely beautiful work from the people who brought this thing to fruition. :D

Thank you so much for playing it! :D. I tried my best to polish the little things I had as a result of a limited time to work on it for the entire week.  Though it's not near the level of polish the top games in this jam have, I'm glad it entertained you for a few tries. 

I can barely spam the spacebar for a short period of time let alone a long one :D

Thank you so much for taking the time playing this game of mine! :D

I think anyone can do such thing in an hour or so, the thing the makes the time to develop longer are the planning, tweaking and of course picking the right music to develop the game haha :D

Thank you so much for playing this little one! :D

Thank you so much for your feedback! :D

Thank you so much for playing this little game! :D  I do plan to add those stuff after the game jam is over so that I can polish it more, but as of now I want it to stay as it is so that it would be fair for other game jammers as well :D

I really appreciate that you tried it out! :D  Your game was amazing as well, every aspect of it converged to create a wonderful and cozy atmosphere, which I really love.

Also keyboard space go brrrrrrrrrrrrr :D

Thank you very much for trying it out! :D  I was really surprised that people didn't react negatively to the game not having a main menu at all when I thought it would be its downfall.  One crucial menu that was important to me but sadly didn't have time to implement was game leaderboards, as that will add more engagement to a small game.  I do agree on your point that the death animation takes too long to restart, which is one of the things I would improve once the jam is over, along with more polish, high scores, leaderboards, etc.  Thank you again for playing and giving feedback as well! :D

Thank you very much for the feedback!  Downwell was a huge inspiration for the graphics of the game since it can give a clear distinction between things that will kill you and those that won't, even when the game is super-fast so I'm happy that it reminded you of that as well. :D

Thank you so much for taking the time to play the game! :D

It's not that often that you get straightforward feedback from people in game jams, so I really appreciate yours!  The lack of content was hugely due to the limited time I had working on the game for the entire duration of the jam, so I focused on polishing what little I had.  I did plan on adding leaderboards to create competition and more engagement in the game but had to cut it down due to the time constraint, but I know that is no excuse for such a long jam when others did their best to manage their time too.  Still, I'm really thankful that even such a tiny game kept you entertained even for a few minutes, and I really do appreciate an honest reaction! :D

I truly appreciate you playing it! :D  Polishing has always been my favorite thing to do when making games so I tried to put as much as I can in such a short time though I'm a bit sad that I didn't have time for the high score system and adding leaderboards which I really wanted since it will add competition to a simple game.  I would definitely add those things and polish the game more after the jam, but for now I want it to stay as it is so that it would be fair for others who used their time well. :D

Welp you can't spell game jams without the procrastination haha!

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Coming from someone who has participated in around 50 game jams but has only managed to submit to five of them, you're doing amazing for your second Jam!

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I said this before in the comment you made after rating my game, but I would like to repeat it again.  Your game is SUPER POLISHED!  I love the post-processing effects along with the cartoonish art style.  It creates a fun atmosphere throughout the game.  And the jazz, I love jazz music, and you used it completely well.  Lastly, but especially for the UI of the game, it's not very often to see games made for game jams add game juice to menus, buttons, and GUIs since they're made mostly at the end of their game development period, and you nailed the fun game feel my dude.

Also, seeing your post on the community tab, spreading the word about your game through each ratings and making connections with other jammers is part of the game jam experience!  There is nothing wrong with it.  It's not ruining anything when you're really exploring the game and giving feedback to the developers, so keep going my dude! :D

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I agree with what Alangrios said, this could be submitted on Steam and no one would ever guess that this was made in a week.  The art was simple yet so clear, the concept was well thought out and brilliantly implemented, and the puzzles were so amazing, there were several times I was like "oh wait, I get it now!".  And the polish? To put it simply, SIMPLY THE BEST!

This is superbly done and the concept was brilliant!  The controls, graphics, and concept worked well enough that I didn't need to look at the game's description to know how to play.  The visuals are cute and clear and the music adds a cozy atmosphere to the game.  Amazing!

The funny thing was that I didn't use physics gravity at all since when I first tested it, it created a delay between switching, so I used tweens instead so that it would be faster and more responsive to the player's inputs.  But your implementation was also fantastic, since I mashed my mouse buttons to achieve higher scores!

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From one gravity game developer to another, thank you very much!  I played your game before the ratings were on and it was an absolutely polished experience!  The postprocessing, great jazz music, cartoonish art style, and animated texts and buttons put the icing on the cake.  

I did plan on adding a game leaderboard and a main menu to the game from the very beginning since that would add competition to the game scores, but sadly, I had to cut it down since I only had 5 hours to work on the game for the entire duration of the jam.  Though I was surprised by people's positive reaction to the game having no menu and all, when I thought it would be the game's downfall.

This game absolutely nailed the deep space atmosphere! The controls at first were a bit confusing and finnicky and gameplay was slow but can still be used to, and some enemies blend in with the collectible gems, but it was definitely a polished experience.  The art, along with the background, complemented the music so well, and it created this beautiful, immersed scene.  Great work!

This gameplay is nicely done!  The gravity switching mechanic was brilliantly used throughout each level, and the trial-and-error method of discovering the level, although made linearly, was a fun aspect.  However, like all games made for game jams, there is always something that can be polished more, as some others have already pointed out, so I won't repeat it here, but note that even with simple art and music, a good gameplay makes a good game, so good job on you for that. 

The interesting thing in my playthrough is that my very first one was slow and calculated, but the following ones were speedruns.  After getting to know the simple controls, one can definitely finish these levels as fast as possible.  Great and fun game overall!

(Also, another fellow game developer that used the gravity switch mechanic!)

5 Hours??? For a simple yet super polished game?! And the ART, man, was it good.  This was my reaction just after 10 minutes of the game.  I do believe that even if this game is outside of the 3-hour limit, this should still be a contender for the winning game.  This game utilized its simplicity for fast prototyping and development, so it had time to polish everything.  It doesn't have any industry-breaking mechanics, or some mind-boggling surprises, but what it does have is a good implementation and conceptualization.  The music, art, and mechanics both worked well for such a simple time.  Dev has done an amazing job with the entry.  Thank you for listening to my TEDTalk :D

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Thanks for the feedback!  We were running out of time so we had to cut some gameplay in our game.  Sadly though, we didnt have time to balance enough each already implemented features by the end of the jam.

I think that's something we missed to put in the descriptions, will do!

Don't be scared; remember this is purely for fun and experience. Although there is a 90% chance you fail, since you're still new to both game jams and game development, either by failing to create a game or even submitting it at all (speaking from experience), you must continue working on games. A chef doesn't become a 5-star chef overnight; it comes through experience and dedication.

Since this is your first, I would like to give you 3 things to remember:
1. Create a small game, a really small game. If you think you can create a game in 10 hours, think of another that you can create in 5 hours or less. In most cases, a dozen features and game mechanics will not create a good game, only make it messy. Focus on a game with the simplest idea. If you're thinking of a platformer, remove the idea of moving platforms and swings. If you're thinking of a shooter, only create 1-2 enemy types. A polished small game is better than a big game that is not even fun at all.

2. If you don't really need it, DON'T implement it. You don't need the full blown audio settings and control settings, so remove them. You don't need a cool and fleshed out main menu; remove it. You don't need to add a credits menu, just do it in your game's description and remove it.  Certain things that you can just write in the description of your game, you DO need to implement in your game. It will only take a lot of your time. Most games don't have a menu at all, just "press any key to start the game".

3. Do not polish your game early on. Embrace the fact that your game will look bad at the beginning, so focus on the main mechanics first before polishing your game. You don't need to squash and stretch in your prototype; do it after so that even if you haven't polished your game on time, the main mechanics and fun are still there.

Remember that your life doesn't depend on the game jam; if you need to rest, then rest. If you're hungry, then eat. This is just for fun and experience, so don't be discouraged whenever you don't win or even come close to winning.  It's still an experience worth your time, so look at the criticisms of your game and strive to make a better game next time. Remember that you don't get good over night, over a week, or over a month. It's a process, and it will only pay off if you have the perseverance to continue doing it. That's it, and good luck on your first game jam!

Wait really?  I haven't touched on this project for a long time that's why I forgot most about it.  It's also an old project so I don't think optimizing the game can benefit much at all.  But I still would love to hear how to optimize performance of games for my future projects :)

Also, love your videos!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing the game and thanks a lot for your feedback! :D  

The mechanics are simple and easy to understand, the art is effective at making contrast, the music is good, the sound effects are good. Overall, a great game and a great submission for this jam. You have a simple game idea, and you've executed it very well! :D

I would say you have a nice concept for your game, but I did encounter problems while playing.  At first, I thought I had got the mechanics down, but the next levels proved me wrong.  I know that you only have limited moves, but having the switches only works for those perfect moves defeats the whole point of a move counter.  The move counter should be the problem the player always acknowledges when making moves so they will think about every move they will make, but when the switches only works with  perfect moves, the move limit can just be deleted from the game and it wouldn't make a difference. This is still a good submission for this jam, but you still need to work on the execution of your game.  Don't feel down for yourself, only few people can make a game in a few hours and you're one of them.  Good luck on your next game jams :) 

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My Personal Best :D

Thanks for playing the game and thanks a lot for your feedback! :D

Thanks for playing the game and thanks a lot for your feedback! :D

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Let me just say this real quick: the seamless level transitions ARE AMAZING! How?! HOW?! I mean, that's just impossible. I have never seen anything greater and more seamless transitions in any game in my whole life than in this game. Actually, like how? The art is great, the mechanics are great, and The sound effects are clear,  they're amazing.  It's such a simple mechanic, yet you've made the most out of it.  It's just a game about switching the lights on and off yet the music combined with the art makes the game more mysterious I love it.  I wouldn't say that I didn't find anything that slightly bothered me, some levels are slightly hard for me and the every tranition is great except the transition from level 1 to 2, but overall, your game is great.  Great work, bro!

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I have fixed the issues with my game :D, I still counted the time I spent fixing them and I'm still under 3 hours!

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I'm still fixing some issues with it but still within the time limit