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My important announcement. Please read

A topic by PAPAJ2 created Nov 20, 2020 Views: 431 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 6
Submitted (1 edit) (+3)

Hey guys!

               This year’s edition of Mix and Game Jam was my first ever jam and I managed to finish my first game: Johnny Split. It wasn’t easy as I had to learn many new things like implementing audio and fighting Unity (or myself) deleting my menus and levels. I think that I’ve never learned that much in 48 hours.

                The rating phase was a blast for me. Reading your comments telling me that you enjoyed my game, what you liked and disliked was such a great feeling. After reading them I felt so appreciated and happy! Huge thanks to all of you that gave me some feedback and wrote a couple of kind words!

                But now I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to work on Johnny Split turning it into a full game! I think that the idea of controlling the same character in two different perspectives wasn’t used yet and it seems that you liked it. It can lead to some really interesting levels and gameplay.

But I need some help from you! To improve, I need to know what to improve. So here comes my request: please play It takes just a few minutes to complete the game. Then I will be very happy if you could leave some feedback – point out what was cool, what wasn’t, what would you like to see in a full game, what should be different etc.

                If you like the concept please follow me on Itch, so you won’t miss a devlog, which I’ll definitely post – I’ll share my process of development my struggles and successes. I’m very open to suggestions so you can have an impact on the game too!


Okay, that’s what I wanted to tell you.


Thanks in advance!

Tyrannosaurus Games


great to hear! ;)

same here ;D


This jam was also the first for me ! I've had the same overall experience, it feels great to have constructive feedbacks ! I'm also considering turning my submission into a full mobile game ->
Thanks to everyone !



I really liked your game, but there are obviously a few things that could be improved on (like every game here) if you were to make a full release.

First of all, the controls on the platformer side. You obviously didn't have time for this in the jam, but a lot of games have a "hold jump button to jump higher" approach when it comes to jumping. Also, to make the jump feel better, allow the player to jump even if they just left the ground, and if they press jump just before they hit the ground, the player should jump once they hit it. Maybe the "S" key should do something on the platformer side, too? A crouch, or faster falling? Or both?

Second of all, the dialog isn't noticeable. Maybe you should put it in a seperate cutscene, or just don't allow the player to move when in dialog. Maybe add storyline? And keep the levels very, very easy at first to keep noobs from being put off.

Finally, the death particles look sort of wrong. In pixel art, assign the "Sprites-Default" material to particles to make them pixels. And maybe you could put particles on the menu to make it more interesting?

I think this game is a really good idea with lots of potential. Good luck!

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks for the tips! I already started working on upgrading platformer controls as you said didn't want to spend time on that during the jam. All the features you are talking went through my mind but I scrapped them for keeping the scope small. The difficulty is actually something I need to improve, turns out what I think is easy for me for others isn't. This time I forgot that developers are better in their games just cause they know how it is meant to be played.

Thanks again and stay tuned!


First, this game was really cool. It was a cool concept and it has good level design
there is  a tutorial for making platformers feel really good this is the video(it does not suck but it is a good tutiral)

this is my game:


I watched this video some time ago. Jonas = cool


Also for you I recommend this talk :
It's really interesting! Turning a jam game into an full game isn't easy! Give it a look !


I'll definitely give it a go! Thanks for the advice!