Abnoctarium is a team of 2 artists, Noahh and Volesus, who are both learning about programming in unity and game development in general!
You can find our art on twitter at
The rough concept for our game is an RPG-inspired adventure game that meshes mechanics of classic RPG genre with bullet hell spell slinging. We hope to make one introductory scene, one 'dungeon' exploration focused map, and one intense boss battle! The theme of the game is exploration in the vast world of Batoea, a world inhabited predominantly by dragons.
Day 1
We've decided to blend Unity's 2D tools with a few extra plug-ins, Fungus for character narration and BulletML for enemy attack spells. We are still learning how to do all of these things, because all of them are new to us. For now, we're building a bare bones prototype with very few drawn assets in order to make sure the mechanics of the game work first! This does mean that I can share our lovely placeholder images : ^ )
our terrifying boss monster
our protag, Noy (as a cat)
A very rough mockup of our beginning area,
And Noy's idle animation!
Today we finished the beginning campground base coding and conversation events, player idle animation and player movement/camera movement.
Tomorrow will be coding the scene transition, a prototype for a parallax background and laying down some code for enemies. See you all in day 2!