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[DevLog] The Beast named Eliza [RPGMaker/HorrorRPG]

A topic by Plueschkatze created Jan 07, 2017 Views: 1,638 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 18
Submitted (4 edits)

Hello everyone!

Plueschkatze here! You can call mit Katzi! <3 (Which would translate to kitty, so that'd be fine, too! Hehe.)
I've teamed up with others for this gamejam. And since I feel like writing a Devlog, I'll do so for us! ;)
(The others are: Yobob, Reese and ElieTaping!)

Game Title:
The Beast named Eliza

Horror RPGMaker Game. It's the short story of young Eliza who's a beast now.

RPG Maker MV
A bunch of unique art and also music, while also using edits of the standard RTP.

Screenshots and WIP:


WIP from day 5:

I'll do updates soon! :D

I hope everyone has A LOT of fun! <3


ooooo omg rpgmaker horror is a genre i really like. best of luck to the whole team!

Thank you for your support! Look forward to updates and stuff from this dev blog!


Since Day 2 is almost over, here's an update!

I spend most of the day setting up blockouts of maps for our game
and eventing some smaller parts.

I also started some art, which is heavily WIP.


Some walkcycles for the NPC base.

And a concept sketch for the Beast:

Yobob also did a pretty awesome theme and is working on more music for our game right now!

Not much else to show off right now!
I hope everyone is having fun!

Submitted (1 edit) (+5)

One more update for day 2 before I finally go to bed~ (3am here, haha)

Environment stuff! I've been trying to get the mood for the game down.
So here's the starting area version 1!
(Since I might change smaller things like colors and lighting and such later on)

I also have another sprite work in progress to show off. This time for the beast!

That environment definitely plays the part of a spooky setting. Great sprite animation as well!


Thank you!


Horror isn't really my thing, but I'm liking that beast sprite! It reads very well, even in black and grey.


wow this mood is looking really incredible!! i cant wait to see more of these enviornments.


Started with DAY 4 a few hours ago.
I couldn't make progress on Day 3, since I had a lot of other stuff to do, but now I'm back.

Todays goals:

  • Get the villager base sprite done!
  • Additional 1: Do hair and other generator stuff for Villagers.
  • Progress on Mapping (Get Map #2 done)
  • Additional: Start Map #3

Here's a WIP of the villager base sprite:

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Here we go: Day 4 update!

I've been working a lot on the art today, but there's still SO MUCH to do.
I guess I'll continue a little more after this update, but since Day 4 is over now (0:10 am here) I'll post my progress.

I could finish everything I planned to today.
So here's the map I was working on: A forest path.

Nothing fancy! ;)

And here are the villager sprites. I stoped adding detailed shading at some point, because I recognizes that that will be covered up by clothing anyway, haha.

edited the hair later, to fit a little better while turning.

(I also did another knife that is facing upwards, but didn't import another gif)

now with edited hair.. just a little higher/more volume in the side view version :P

I'll move on to the next map now.
So for Day 5:

  • Finish Map03 (out of 10 in total, btw)
  • Work a little more on the MC sprites.

Edit: Oh and I also started a gamedev tumblr.


And here we go with the day 5 update.

I work on another sprite! There's still a lot to do but I really, really enjoy doing sprites and I start to fall in love with doing sprite animations :)

And here's another map:

It's kinda hard to make compromises due to the limited time, haha. But I think that's ok looking =)
Still two big maps (thereunder the biggest in the game) and 5 smaller ones to do... that's no good~

And beside that there's still other art to do... 4 Sprites (including the beast and girl above) and 2 character portraits to use on dialogues!


Still a LONG way to go :)


Loving the environment. the woods give off an RTS fog-of-war vibe, where you never know how close the enemy may be


Thank you! :)


oh man all the environments are really setting the mood and scene for me--i'm really excited to see more of the sprites and story snippets!


Thank you J. I hope this will be a fun little game to play.


DAY 7!

Worked on the Titlescreen today!

And here's another map! ;)



Instead of 4 we are only 2 members in the end, since both others found no time to participate, so we took over everything.
So it's just Yobob and me! :)

We've done a bunch of smaller adjustments, pushed art further aaand Yobob did A LOT of eventing.
Right now almost everything is done, we shortened the Story, so the end is more of a cliffhanger then supposed.
Since we wanted to go for the possibility of triggering 2 different endings at the point where the game ends now! Haha.
We might finish the game after the jam. We'll decide that once we've taken a little bit of rest! :P

I'm finishing the missing art pieces right now.
Once they are done I'll do the creditspage.
And I'll take a couple of screenshots and stuff for the games page!
That's when I'll have something to show you again.

But good thing is: Yobob and I really had fun doing this project, so we might collab again! :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Worked on the bust for our main character. Feedback is welcome. I need to look at something else for a while before checking back on this, haha.


i featured this devlog in our last email! i really like the how the character looks--very nice art and it also gels i think with the style and type of game you're working on. i think for crit--her dress fades to black and it makes her apron looks like its floating.


Thanks for the crit J! I'll brighten her dress a little.


We are done with the demo/first build and uploaded it!

Feel free to check it out:

We didn't manage to tell the full story, but about half of it.
So we will do an update in the near future and add the full game! :)