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[Devlog] Ashes of Élan (AoE)

A topic by redmdlee created Jan 07, 2018 Views: 587 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 11

A wonderful sleep deprived morning to you all :)

I am a day late in starting this devlog so let me put you guys up to speed to what I've been up to and what I plan to accomplish for this gamejam.

Before all that let me give you a brief intro about me and the game.

I am Redmond Lee, or you can call me "Red" for short, I am a 3D modeling artist and this is my first time making a game and participating in a jam.  I've been wanting to do this for the longest time and decided that I should make it happen in 2018 and so I did. I have a very limited knowledge about game design but I am confident enough with my skills to be able to finish this game by the 20th of January or maybe even earlier. Recently (that being in 2017) I've been studying how to make games in UE4 in my spare time so I decided that it will be the engine I will be using for my "dungeon crawler". I've got great plans for this game, plans which I don't want to fully divulge yet but to give you an idea of what you'd be waiting patiently for I'll give you a brief description of the game. Its a dungeon crawler where you are forced to traverse darkness with very limited vision and the only thing that can light your path is your prized "Caliburn" (its a working name so please spare me this time).

Yesterday I've been working on the models and the game system
It was a hard day for me since a lot has not gone the way I planned it to but in 4 am in the morning, I managed to work things out (at least most of it)
Here some screenshots and videos as evidence I didn't slack of the work ;)
(some videos are for later when I upload them but in the mean time I need some rest)

I like what you have so far!  The moodiness of the lighting is great, another game I'll probably be scared while playing lol.

Nice Lightning


Looks good so far. Can't wait to see the combat in this game... Is there going to be combat?

There will be but it is greatly discouraged >:)

Looks great so far! I assume "Caliburn" is your sword, so if it's your only source of light would it be possible to throw it in order to light up somewhere far away? That might be an interesting risk-reward mechanic - it lets you see further ahead, but you've just thrown away your main weapon.

That's a great idea,  though I don't exactly have the idea how to but if I finish the core mechanics early and have extra time I'll implement it ^^

Ahh, so you did end up going with élan!  Yaaay!

Knowing absolutely nothing about your gameplay, I'm liking the idea of the only light being something that you sometimes have, and sometimes don't.  Krall posits throwing your light source, and if you haven't considered you might want to.  Even if it isn't your weapon, tossing away your ability to see around yourself enhances immersion :-D

(1 edit)

Some short updates from my progress:

So far been struggling in the 3D modeling aspects of the project (ironically that's where I am good at)
But Managed to finish of the character :)
Here's a bit of an idea how it looks for now

Its not how I planned for it to look in the beginning but Its a need change; the original idea had to many polygons in it would have ate up a lot of processing power to animate. I had to go back to the drawing board a bit ( lol that's why it took me an extra day for this guy ) and simplify him by a thousand fold. It was difficult to give the character personality with the limits I had set but it turned out nicely. Would love to see him in action when I animate him tomorrow (sadly no more energy left for me to do more 3d stuff)

For now I'd start up dating my HUD displays in UE4. Managed to pin down a design I know you guys would love so stay tune and enjoy the rest of the jam ^^

Quick Update:

As of (some ambiguous number) hour ago I finished modeling this character, then decided to do the HUD, then decided to not do that but instead I finished the rig :D

Here's him striking a pose :D and yes he's got no hands xD

Hey guys :)
I am excited to show you my progress for the afternoon, did some changes on the color and I hope you like it
Also managed to complete the walk cycle so please be proud of me :)

Hey guys, hope your still here with me xD

Slowly I've building up some progress,
I realized that this might be much more complicated than I thought it would be, at least with the amount of experience I have but there's no point of going back or even looking back right now. Its a lesson to learn for future projects but I am still proud to present you my progress

And the quote of the day is:
"If the universe is entirely meaningless; then the only meaning you can find in it is the one you'll give it" - redmdlee


hey red!! awesome work on your model and rig!! it's honestly incredible that you've managed to kick out a whole model, rig, and walk cycle in less than a week :Oc !!! man i remember it took me a whole semester to do that when i was in school haha. the videos look really cool--i  agree with everyone else the lighting is really selling the atmosphere of this game for me. great work!

Aww Thanks :D
I guess my first time rigging took me a whole semester as well.
Gonna kick it up a notch today so watch out for more >:)


Hey guys

I have a bit of a bad news to share with you. The last few days I had to deal with a lot of personal stuff, I can't get to much in to detail but I can at least tell you that because of recent events I had lost a few days if work for this jam; I am aware that is a lot of time lost especially for a 2 week jam but not to worry, I still plan on finishing the game it might not be as good as I initially planned but I hope you guys would still love it. :)

quote of the day
"The world isn't quite fair now is it? There's no solution for every problem but there are a lot of problems that come with every solution" -redmdlee