Hello! My engine of choice has a word-counter built into it, but I don't know if the way it counts words is the same as the way words will be counted for the jam, so I'm here to ask a few questions for clarification before I get any deeper into my ideas.
First question: If I show the same passage twice, does that count twice against the wordcount? Similarly, if I have a variable that contains a 10-word string, and I call that string in two separate passages, does that count as 10 words or 20?
Second question: If I have a string that utilizes interpolation partway through it — for example, "There are [number] days left until the party." — how would I count that? 8 times the number of variations, or 7+n, where n is the number of potential words that could appear in that variable?
Third question: Building off the previous question, if I have a small random generator for simple sentences — "[Noun] is too [adjective] to [verb]" — how would I count that? 3+(NumberOfNouns)+(NumberOfAdjectives)+(NumberOfVerbs) or 6x(numberOfAppearances) or 6(NumberOfNouns*NumberOfAdjectives*NumberOfVerbs) to account for all the variations? Or some other way?
I've been so excited for this jam! My mind's been racing the past few days, searching for ways to maximize the 500 words I have in my little project. I've had a lot of ideas I think would be fun to execute, but I want to make sure I'm keeping within the spirit of the jam and I definitely don't want to assume that the code-doesn't-count rule reaches further than it does in reality. Thank you in advance ;;