Hi all,
I've just updated Adventuron to version 37c in the BETA version ( adventuron.io/beta ) .
Please be aware that the format of the saved game files have changed in this release (as a prelude to supporting new features).
This should only affect you if you are updating pre-existing games that you have either already uploaded to Itch. It might mean that the game objects disappear when you reload a save file The way to avoid this is to change the UUID of your game in the game_information {} section.
When you change the UUID, everything is reset, but existing save files will disappear from the list.
Sorry for this change. It's really necessary for what comes next. I did think that it was better to do this now (before you post your games), rather than after the games are posted on Itch.
NOTE: If nobody is loading and saving games yet, you don't need to do anything. New players will simply start saving and loading in the new format.