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I have got problems  with SAVE and LOAD commands.... Sometimes nothing is saved in the slots (they remains empty), and another times appears something saved in the slots, but when I try to load it, nothing happens...

May it be related with this change? It happens when I am working in the classroom, and also when I compile, via HTML. 

It is getting me crazy, becasuse I am not able to find any logic... I thought that it was related with the cookies or something in the browser cache, but it is not clear now for me...

Hmm, the change to the save format should only affect old save games, they should not affect new save games.

I've used save games multiple times with the new version, and just now actually, and it seems to be working.

I do know there are some problems if loading and saving on OLD Microsoft edge (the non chromium edition). Can you confirm you are not using that release?

If so, please upgrade. My understanding is the Microsoft is forcing all Edge users onto the new Chromium version of Edge soon.

I work with Firefox and Chrome on a MacBook pro... The same happens with RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD...

Well, I will try to start from scratch with another code and I will do some tests.. I will keep you updated if I find out something new.


Make sure you set up the game_information {} section, especially the UUID:

Some clues...

It is possible save only in the first 2 locations... You can LOAD  from any other location if the SAVE was made in the first 2 locations. If you SAVE in any other location, the slot appears full, but when you LOAD from that slot, nothing happens... Very strange... My code has got something bad. I will continue with the  investigations...

If you want me to look at your code, you can send it to

If it's a bug in Adventuron I will fix it.