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A jam submission

Blind SailingView game page

Memorize the route, find your route through the island labyrinth & make sure you still have enough cargo at the end.
Submitted by bacaar — 54 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Legitimacy (score low for jam-spam, high for authentic "in the spirit" entry)#94.6434.643
Originality (score low for unoriginal, high for original ideas)#104.1434.143
Adherence (score low for poor theme implementation, high for sticking to theme)#184.3574.357
Impression (score low for unimpressive, high for impressive)#223.3573.357

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great graphical design. We loved the map and fog effect! And really clear instructions too :)


Right I cheated, took a Screen Cap ha ha ha. This is wonderful game, well thought out and a lot of work involved to get it going, where did you get the sprites and background? Great work you should be very proud


Haha, yes this possibility exists ;P . Thank you. A colleague of mine is a graphic designer and we made this project together. We've developed the overal concept together and then I did the programming and he made all the assets. From what I know he created them all from scratch by himself :D I mentioned him in the Credits at the submission's page.


Amazing design and very impressed.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very cool idea and I like the fog of war effect. I am curious how you did that, the masking eludes me at the moment. 

I was always too late when it came to cargo and I was defeated by pirates. Still it was fun!

Good work!


Thank you :D.

The fog of war is just an additional layer between the layers representing the map etc. and the layer holding the HUD. It is initialized with black everywhere. I have the player's previous position (from the last frame / game iteration) stored as a class attribute. When the player moves, I draw a filled circle with half transparency (in the olc::PGE this would be olc::Pixel(0,0,0,128)) on the previous position and a circle with full tranparency at the player's current position. This gives the effect that previously explored areas are still visible, but not "active". Also with this method for each frame I just have to update two circles and not the whole screen, as this would be too computationally intensive. The gradient at the border of the fully visible area around the player is realized by a bunch of circles with different radi and transparency levels on top of each other. This last part is the most cost intensive but we just wanted to have it xD.

Then just give it another try ;) . With exactly the route showed in the window after the instructions and before the game itself starts you should have about a minute left at the end ;). But it really depends on where your ship is going, e.g. on which side of an island it passes etc.


Thank you for explaining! That makes sense. I'll have to try drawing something like that myself,  the result is very nice looking. 


pretty cool.


thank you :D


pathfinding, fog of war, trading. this game has it all. lots of cool tech and systems in this game

Developer (1 edit)

I'm happy you appreciate it :D

It really was a whole lot of work, I really underestimated a little bit. I had the pathfinding already implemented in another project but still had to adapt it to make it work for this one. The rest was created from scratch and thus I really got in a hurry yesterday ^^. Now I understand why "professional" games often nead a "day-1-patch" xD