I have seen a few folks online worrying the things they’d like to submit might not be “OSR enough” to count for this jam — but I notice the examples given include some more “new school” takes, too, like Into the Odd.
Just wanted to double check so I can confidently reassure others: Am I correct in assuming it’s okay to submit stuff that deviates from D&D in pretty significant ways? (Like: no ability scores, or no hit points, or no classes, or whatever.)
Thanks! (And no hard feelings if you really do want to keep it more old school than I assumed.)
Edit to add: I really appreciated the long list of games and the explanation in the jam description! I think the source of confusion might be that some folks are (I think mis-) reading it as “things above this line count as OSR, and things below this line are post-fracture and thus do not count for this jam.”