After the Guiding Star: I love the adventurous version of the theme with percussion and flute textures at 1:12. And then it just keeps building from there! The brassy version of the theme at 2:04 feels so epic. The blasty French horns feel so warm and are an excellent lead into the key change. The choir also adds to the epic-ness of it all. I like the ending on the piano conclusion which brings the energy back down to where you started. This is a really great opening theme!
Calm Ocean: I’m a fan of the synths and pads you used, especially echoey, hollow clinking sounds. This is a nice calm version of your main leitmotif that would accompany oceanic exploration nicely.
We Will Make It Through Any Storm: This definitely feels very cinematic. This would certainly work for an action sequence in your game like for a ship going into a storm! These are great compositions! Great work and thank you for sharing!
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