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A jam submission

Self-Acceptance Full (Ost Composing Jam 7)View project page

A submission for Ost Composing Jam 7 (July 12th 2024 - July 21st 2024)
Submitted by hoanglongplanner (@long_planner) — 1 day, 19 hours before the deadline
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Self-Acceptance Full (Ost Composing Jam 7)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4633.1003.100

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • As a more orchestrally-oriented composer, I confess that I was somewhat nervous about critiquing this submission given the genre choice, however, upon listening to it, I was quite glad that I did. I think the strong texture work is very admirable, with the use of synth throughout providing some really nice sonic palettes. The percussion often feels like it has this sort of hypnotic feel that really adds that extra layer of interest— this is a skill I struggle with so I always like to hear it! Across the span of the 9 tracks, I found that each individually brought something new, tonally, to the full set which was appreciated— on a track to track basis there was certainly a lot of variety and I thought each track’s overall tone and style was nicely contrasted with the whole. Each felt like it could be implemented in a specific and unique way. Despite this, and while I am consistently impressed with the texture combinations overall, I do think there are opportunities to vary them *within the span of a track* more frequently. For example, at times I found myself growing a little tired of quarter-note kick drum plopping away in the background of “Hildegard Vision” (what a great track title, by the way)— to the extent possible, it might be worth looking into that layer (and others) to see if there are some rhythmic or textural figures that keep the same feel while mixing it up a bit. Having a bar every four measures in the kick drum, for example, that throws in a dotted rhythm or some other slightly different pattern can do a lot to avoid fatigue and add interest to the track. Never do exactly the same thing twice if you can avoid it! Subtle changes in pattern loops can make a big difference and allow you to hold onto that ambient feeling across a long span of time. (This critique is something that I had to learn too— a lot of my early work doesn’t vary enough across repetitions and it is something that I’ve had to consistently put in effort to avoid.) “Knocking Down Heaven’s Door” definitely feels to me like it varies itself more consistently than some of the other tracks— I’d focus on getting that level of interest and variation into all of the tracks— remember, you have to justify the time your track takes up by making sure that all of it is doing something interesting throughout. As far as meeting the theme is concerned, I think that this the most difficult area for me to hear in the submission. When listening to the music, I confess that I am not seeing a connection to the art or the text overall, as skillfully as I might otherwise have found some elements. I would encourage you to attempt to more directly connect to the theme when it is presented in a contest— I think you might find more success in future jams and competitions, which would be great! Overall, it is really fun to hear something that is full of so much textural work— I’m sure some of the other judges who have much more experience and work portfolios in this area will have a lot more valuable feedback than I do, nevertheless I was glad that I came across your work!

DAW - FL Studio
VST Instruments - Harmor, DS Thorn, AIR Xpand2, Kontakt, Shreddage 3 Stratus, and others

- Recommend listen at low volume, some music are designed specific with heavy distortion!!
- Blinded By Kindness is split into 2 mixes (one with guitar solo, one without it), we have received feedback before and agree that solo instrument performance is not our forte. We split it in order to not ruin listener experience. So, if ya can do solo better than us, do it!!

Message from the artist
hoanglongplanner - We all listen to music, but only the ones that is interesting and engaging. I do have regrets, sometimes I can't recreate the original magic of 1st prototype I listen. Seek revisions and importantly know when to stop.
Texas - Making jam sandwich while Planner hysterical


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
A knock on the door, do you still remember?

"Good morning, my name is Hildegard, a special anima assigned to protect you, how may I assist you?"

"Make me a jam sandwich"

"I don't compute."

Do you still remember that you two stare each other, explaining the intricacy of jam sandwich?

Since when it all changed?

"Being a human is ... a pain"

"You don't need to change, Hildegard. I'm too fond of that side of you"

"If I have you and everyone else by my side, then it's enough for me"

In the dark, there lies

"Hey Hildegard, it's nice to see you again"

"I will be back home somehow, wait for me there, Hildegard..."




A God Who Can't Even Play God Properly

And An Anima Which Can't Even Protect God Properly

UM2S Operating System - Version 00-00-00-00-1

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R41.1 - Anterograde amnesia: Utilized for memory loss characterized by the inability to form new memories.

R41.3 - Other amnesia: Used for memory loss not classified elsewhere, such as transient global amnesia.


I50.9 - Heart Failure, unspecified - 1001001 1100110 100000 1101111 1101110 1101100 1111001 100000 1001001 100000 1101000 1100001 1110110 1100101 100000 1100001 100000 1101000 1100101 1100001 1110010 1110100

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Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission


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Submitted (2 edits)

Do you have a link to a playlist? Looks like the link provided only goes to the first track.

Update: here it is for anyone listening:


Holy soundtrack, Batman!! This was quite the listen. When I saw there were 9 tracks I worried a bit about quantity over quality but that certainly isn’t the case here. This is truly an expertly crafted OST and you should be really proud!

I love the early-2000s synthwave feel throughout, it’s really giving me 3D Metroid vibes. I think you really captured the sci-fi feeling you were going for in the description which, truthfully, read as complete, rambling nonsense to me, but that made me love it even more! Even the words you wrote add to this feeling of being “inside [someone’s] world” and honestly, why should it make sense to an outsider? It’s your world, after all!

Although each track is long, the trancey nature of your composition acts to tone that down a bit. My one critique would have to be that a couple of the tracks maybe did in fact have too much different material which made me wonder how that would translate to a specific level or area. I think you could have developed some of it a bit more as opposed to creating a new section to follow what came before.

Overall, this was a suuuper well-produced and professional soundtrack. Your choice of instruments and your treatment of them was superb. AMAZING work, truly 💖💖💖

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

"I don't compute." says Hildegard casually munching on a jam sandwich

I'm glad you enjoy the soundtrack; We want to encourage everyone to have fun and inspire when interpreting this album, both musically and in writing.

If you want to enjoy something similar to this, music or story plot, Xenosaga and FF13 are the jam

PS. To anyone who reads this, I place easter eggs here and there and over the places, have fun trying to catch them all :)

PS2. Your positivity powers me through the day, thanks man!!


Let me know if there are any problems !!

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