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Lulu AquaticView project page

Soundtrack for OST Jam 7
Submitted by fiumals — 5 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#604.0574.057

Ranked from 35 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Three years ago, Lucca's mother died deep inside the ocean during an expedition, they say she loved the sea. Lucca hasn't smiled once in the past three years. Ever since the incident, Lucca has been locking herself in her room everyday at 3pm, her mother's estimated time of death. She lies on her bed and closes her eyes, takes a deep breath... and then she starts imagining herself under the sea... let's see... so there's animals... algae... bubbles... stars... and water. Everyday she continues from the place she left off the day before, and three years later, she keeps searching.. searching for her mother in her own world, hoping that one day, when she reaches the bottom of the sea, she'll be able to see her again. Though, even she questions herself if what she's doing has any purpose at all, that's where Doubts come in.

Lucca's mother used to call her Lulu, and most of the game takes place underwater, hence the title!!


- Someday I Will: Find her. Lucca is determined to find her mother, she really wants to see her again. This song is the main theme of the game and it would play in the title screen, and probably during some key parts of the game too.

- Submerge In: This serves as the background music for when you're just swimming around underwater while looking for Lucca's mother. I tried to make it very "underwater level"-ish

- Fight the Doubts Away: Along her journey, Lucca encounters these evil monsters called Doubts, in the form of red fish and sharks. She starts to wonder if she's doing all of this in vain. PD: Battles are turn-based combat, Lucca has different abilities based on her imagination to help her defeat Doubts. If she loses to Doubts, however, she'll lose her hope and determination and give up forever (Game over).

- She Used To Play This: A song Lucca's mother used to play in the piano when she was alive. At some point in the journey, Lucca starts to hear this song in the distance, could this mean her mother is somewhere nearby?!

- Today is The Day: Suddenly, a big red monster blocks her path!! It's the biggest of Doubts, it will take a lot of mental strength to defeat this enemy, but Lucca stays determined.

- And One Day I Did: After defeating the final boss, Lucca let out her first smile in three years, after finding her mother at the very bottom of the sea, inside her world.

Message from the artist
Once again, thanks a lot to everyone involved in making OST Composing Jams possible!! I had a blast, like always. With every OST jam I participate in I feel like I improved a lot from the previous one, it's always fun to push myself to try and make something better each time.

Any feedback anyone might have is greatly appreciated!! Especially tips for mixing/mastering because I feel like I need to improve on that the most.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Well, the entire story takes place inside her mind, that's how I interpreted "inside my world". In the picture theme, everything looks like it's set in the ocean. The kid in the image is supposed to be Lucca, and there's also a bubble around the center that looks like a woman, that's Lucca's mom. The fish in the picture also look kinda like she's imaginating them, so that was also another reason why I went with an "inside her mind" adventure for this game.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I absolutely love the basslines, super groovy! The vibe of the tracks are also great super upbeat and fun to listen to! Great work!

My favorite track is Submerge In, the 7/8 rhythm is so cool


There is a feeling of psychedelia and freedom, somewhat floating, that makes me feel like I want to dream in the sea. It's very unique  ~w~


The kind of music that makes you happy without reason. It's fresh, it's invigorating, it's a pure retro vibe. Very nice to listen to, made my heart smile =) Thank you for sharing!


Insane comparison but I was reminded of Hamster Ball which is an old PC game in Today is the Day with the percussive instrument that played in both ears. hopefully you know the one I'm talking about.

That one was my favorite also.


Omg i loved this so much, especially the 7 in Submerge In, love a fellow writer of songs in 7. Your sound design was so cool, pulling from more chiptune and retro aspects while keeping it distinctly more modern and fun. I think as a whole you can tone down reverb just a lil bit, it helps to make it feel underwater but a bit too much can start to hurt more then it helps. I really really did like this a lot tho!!! Good shit


Someday I Will: You have a really interesting chord progression and a unique melody which makes this a really great and memorable main theme. The bass and percussion are well-produced and add energy to the track, which makes me imagine there is a lot of action and motion in your game.

Submerge In: The beginning has an ambience that sounds like a Donkey Kong Country game. The odd time signature keeps the listener on my toes and the fingered bass grooves making it seem like a normal time signature. The pads you use give the sense of being underwater which works well for that underwater sound.

Fight the Doubts Away: This is a great battle theme that flows very nicely from the rest of your tracks so far. I’m impressed with your breadth of vibes AND cohesiveness so far!

She Used to Play This: Your 7th chord syncopations give this a jazzy undertone, but it also feels waltzy, which works great for underwater vibes. Great way to tie the theme back in.

Today Is The Day: Very nice boss track! The organ pad chords keep the underwater vibe while the bubbly synth pulses add to that feel. The buildup in this track is very well done and it feels like the character is moving between phases of the fight. The ending is really sweet and gives a sense of finality to the tension.

And One Day I Did: I like the return of the main theme in a more calm and serene form which helps show your sweet ending. I think your choice to end on a minor chord was very intriguing and gives a bittersweet feeling in Lulu seeing her mother again, but knowing that she is still gone.

Overall: I agree with you that your music has been getting better and better with each jam! I really liked this soundtrack for its clear sense of style and cohesiveness and never once did it feel stale. This soundtrack scores very high on my personal 6th rating category of “game readiness”! You captured many different emotions with multiple different themes and grooves. Great work and thank you so much for sharing!

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