Judge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
The document seems to be short on description, and I would love to see images but I do see that you have added "placeholders" for that so perhaps you already are aware of that.
The checklist is good, so well done on that. That is a good way of keeping track of the game's state.
Since you are going with Gameboy route, perhaps add a section that expands on the concept of how it would be possible to transfer the game to GB cartridge.
It doesnt have to be realistic, but just a concept outline, so investors (aka "readers of the GDD") can get the sense of value for why it should go into that route for both art and game development style.
You have to think of GDD as an elevator pitch. Short is good but not too short, but stand out is best. So perhaps the GB port section could make it stand out a little bit.
The game feels good at the start, but as soon the player get into the mine, the mine maze starts to confused the player as the maze levels goes into ring and fewer enemies shows up compared to the start of the game.
It was less about the theme (as in you are the weapon) and more focused on platforming that is what I get a sense of feeling from the short session. So perhaps added more enemies and different kind of enemies so it has various types to use the weapon against them?
It might be a good idea to introduce the player to an map of some sort, like a recording map, so the player can see if they have been in the room before and perhaps have a sense of direction.
* found a room that allowed me to fly around slowly. (it is the room with the big crystals)
* couldnt attack after have been in couple of rooms deep, but there were no enemies around the player anyway, so that is fine, but it is weird that I cant do the attack animation.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on itch.io so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
A metroid vania for the game boy were you fell down a well and now you need to fight your way through the dwarven mines
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
when you fell into the mines you became enchanted and now your punches are magic
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
the low rez art style
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