Clever that you can Ship of Theseus yourself through a play through. Good job on the art and clever gameplay. I could play something like this more with some more systems and quality of life features added.
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Savage Salvage's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Savage Salvage is a well-named, easy to pick up and play, casual friendly game with a little something special. By reducing the character down to its 'equipment' in this way, you've captured the theme very well. I appreciated seeing how your team discussed their vision in order to distill it down to an implementable set of mechanics which could be entered into this competition. The addition of a musical score and some ambient music would go a long way, as would adding the occasional player choice to turn right or left (which doesn't factually have to change anything at all in first implementation, aside from looking pretty as you turn down the hallway). Sound effects would be nice as well, and I feel each body type should make a sound that's different from the others. Bones clacking, logs banging, and fire whipping come to mind. Thank you very much for this submission to Pirate Software Game Jam 16.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
This game takes place in a dungeon where you are a monster fighting your way out.
The game works by defeating your former allies and using their limbs to fight off other enemies with weaknesses they have.
Controls are all mouse based, taking place entirely in an inventory.
The game fits the theme by essentially making your body and the limbs you attack your special weapons, allowing you to utilize other enemies weaknesses to fend them off for effectively.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
Take a look at the pretty art
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