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A member registered Nov 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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A nice visual style, though the UI can use some polish and more feedback.

I see that the game is made to allow multiplayer(which is cool), though the input for single player doesnt seem to fire 100% of the time, atleast the game did not always respond to input(though this might also be due to low fps).
Tried playing in both chrome and firefox but the game seems to be rather laggy.

I like the idea of the cells in combination of it being a roguelike

Well done.

I encountered a few minor bugs, nothing game breaking like, entering a room from an odd point relative to where i was, or a boss health bar starting at half and going to full a moment later, or the wall enemies not necessarily only moving on walls but also the air xD .

Overall this is a nice little game similar to "the binding of isaac". Though i get that you, as the player, are the weapon, it still feel like you as a character with a gun.

The AI definitely needs some improving, they weren't really fun to play against. They were mostly just annoying.

I like the idea that you are going form and i think this is a very base to work upon, so goodluck.

I did have one small issue where, when after a game over, my initial score is -1.

The gameplay is relatively simple, though everything else is well polished. Nice fade in fade out animations, simple tutorial, juiciness in the right places. Overall a well made little game.

It took me a bit before i figured out what i was doing, but thats life i guess xD

An easy improvement to make is to reduce the difference in detail/style between the bubles and the background.
I'd also recommmend adding some feeback when you influence another bubble(or they you), you can see it through the color change a little bit, but it isnt very clear. (same goes for the pickups).

Its a simple but "unique" game that tries to tell some interesting stuff, but the gameplay does not really match, or atleast, it needs a bit more.

These are relativly small things so nonetheless, its a fun experience, well done

Who knew that moving around as a blade is hard, i did not, but now i do.

The game has some gaps here and there where you can get between obstacles and have a hard time getting out.

The ending is a little bit anticlimactic, but its a game jam game, so thats fine xD

Sounds were implemented well. I did have the game stutter a few times, not sure if this was when hitting a checkpoint but it was at very specific locations.

Overall a fun little game, well done.

Not being able to place new turrets or moving existing ones around during play is kinda annoying, when that one enemy goes beyond your turrets range with a sliver of health and you just have to forfeit or wait the wave out.

It tried it with the catapult, but it is kinda hard to controller where you land and deal damage.

The main mechanic is fun, reminds me of other tower defense games where you as the defender have a more active role.

Overall a fine tower defense game, could use some interesting variations regarding enemies or types of turrets.

Its good that you had the little explainer bit at the beginning, i would not have know what to do during combat otherwise.

Sheesh, level 7?! How many dudes per room did you have to fight, based on the behind the scenes math, that would be between 25 to 35 dudes xD well done 

Sound effects and visual style are superb, well done.

The game's controls could us a bit of ease of use, or maybe i need a non time constraint tutorial to get used to stuff, cause i kept knocking the car away xD

I was also able to get rid of the car by grabbing it on the bottom, and shoving it into one of the bins, at which point it glitched very heavily and went out of my reach. For which i guess the reset button is for.

Missing the weapon part of the theme a little bit, but can see you being a destruction crane destroying cars as a function destructive game, well done.

How could i lose?! i put all my points into penis size!

Yeah, there isnt really much to talk about.

The basics are there, together with a story. Though if you wish to have the story actually be impactful, it needs something more than just text. Doesnt mean it needs to be a 3D mocap voice acted master piece xD

You have the name of locations on the pad, but not in the world, so it took me a bit to find the different things along the ship.

I tried to get as much information that i could, which was kinda fun, to figure out the story.

The controls and general gameplay could use a bit of polishing (have entering a console be the same key as exiting, make clicking on things a bit easier or add an highlight, small stuff)

A fun take on the theme, especially with the specific ending.

The only thing i can say is that there needs to be more UI elements to fight with.
And maybe that the different elements do different stuff.

Its a good solid foundation, well done.

Thank you for the comment
There is an upgrade that can appear in the vending machine for 75 that causes your fingers to auto return to your hand when they hit the floor.

Thank you for the comment.
You regain a little bit of life picking up the bits from fallen enemies, and there is a vending machine item that you can buy that restore about half your health.

It is a really interesting mechanic, to have the weapons attach in a specific way, kinda fun. Though i found myself not having enough time to adjust myself to get them to attach in the right orientation.

The crosshair is not 100% redundant, but it does not really explain where you are aiming, so it is a bit weird. I get that from a functional perspective, the crosshair makes sense, but you can really use it to aim your gun unless they are attached just right.

Though non of that takes away from it being a fun little (looter-)shooter, good job.

That sounds like a good solution for it.

Pretty cool mechanic, the only grip that i have is that it sometimes a bit hard to figure out your actual position relative to the world, though that might just be me.

Other than that, it seems to be a relatively simple game executed well, good job.

I tried to go different routes to figure out the benefits/drawbacks of giving good advice, but it does not seem to affect the gameplay as far as i noticed, you always get the game over prompt where you are outed as the hacker.

I assume the goal to is to find the most reputation damaging option to apply through different prompt options, but could not really figure out how you gain tokens, and at what point the reputation damage was applied or calculated.

These a minor things as the game works really well, and the music and style fit well together. Also like the references.

So the game is definitely unfinished, which is fine, its a gamejam not everything is going to be perfect.

I like the artstyle, getting some "alien hominid" vibes from the main character.

The controls are a bit loose, like you are walking on ice, but that might also be a combination of the camera follow speed/lerp and the animations.

Overall i think this is a good start, with some TLC this can be a fun little alien virus "vampire survivors" game.

Love the music and style, they work well together.

I did have some trouble getting the timing right for certain jumps, and trying to go fast, but other than that its a cool 2D platformer.

Do feel like the art style is not 100% on consistent, cant put my finger on it, maybe the outlines being to thick? Dunno, i'm not an artist xD
Also the camera snaps pretty hard when going from moving left to moving to the right.

But love the idea, the style, and music, well done :D

(1 edit)

I was unable to play the game due to a loading error, tried multiple times in firefox and chrome :(

So i looked at your pictures and GDD and this looks like a "getting over it" game, which i really hate xD

But the idea of being the weapon trying to get to the hero is pretty cool, if only the hero could be in an easier to reach place....

The game could use some overall polish; footsteps did not match regarding audio and animation, aiming was a bit off from where the crosshair is(especially when aiming at flies), some turning animations (unless this is intended), some dialogue triggering multiple times, some small bugs(got stuck inside an object while grappling and my grapple tongue became HUGE at one point).

These are minor things, as it otherwise works well as a 3D platformer. Like the frog tongue grapple hook idea.

Well done.

The taking over opponents weapons is a cool mechanic.

The game is a bit hard with the melee guys moving at a similar speed to the player throughout their kit. Maybe would be nice so have them slow down a bit when starting to attack?
Additionally, the possession locks you into a QTE in which you are very vulnerable. I like the idea of it being a QTE but maybe pausing enemies during it makes it a bit easier.

It is a fun idea, can imagine coming across some legendary weapon, possessing it, and crushing fools :D
Well done.

The core mechanic is kinda interesting and fun, however the controls are a bit counter to how fast you have to play to keep up.

Maybe some auto targeting, whenever you click one of the limbs it will do damage to a random enemy if you have not selected anything.

Would have loved a "chill" non-combat encounter like a shop, where you can sell limbs or something, or a campfire to restore health to all limbs and allow for some rearranging of limbs.

I can see this being a interesting little indie game, well done.

Yeah, its a well executed rage game akin to "getting over it".

I hate it. Launched myself at a cloud only to roll over and tumble all the way down.

It works well, looks alright, and the chunk sound of the sword lodging into something is pretty good.

Good job, don't ever make these kind of games again. ;)

Yeah, as you mentioned the game takes a long time to load.

Based on what i have seen i can imagine what caused your game to be so big.

I think changing the machine gun and bomb input to the mouse, having two hands on the keyboard is a bit odd.

The flight controls are pretty solid and easy to understand.

The game's looks and audio are alright, a bit glitchy, but that might just be because its a web build.
Overal a good job, it works well.

It's a fun take on making a "puzzle" platformer, with stealth mechanics.

Though it could use some all round polish, especially when the player dies, as the game kind off continues in the background.

But a solid game, well done.

Pretty simple shape murder simulation i guess xD

Dont think there is any real challenge to this.

Did find the movement a bit weird, like it was delayed? dunno...

Good job.

Theme is 10/10
also the need to have missile written on the missile, just in case someone mistakes it for something else?

Got the traitor ending by accident xD

Fun little game, well done.

So, the game is definitly hard xD

The game requires a certain amount of big brain prediction skill to clear without letting a plane through.

Let alone that hitting a plane with your rocket shooting from the furthest ship causes it to now take the longest path possible back, whilst there is still another plane on the field.

Nonetheless, its a fun game where you play tennis, with a rocket, by yourself(being two warships) whilst trying to hit the enemies which go in between xD

Well done.

An incremental (roguelite?) dungeon builder game, nice.

I like the idea of you, the player, being a the actual dungeon.

The game does not need some more polish/feedback to the player, and maybe a fixed point from where the adventurers arrive. Right now, with poor timing, you place a room right when an adventures spawns at the beginning of the previous room.

Overall cool concept, works well enough, good job.

A fun little platformer well done.

The choice of music is a bit odd, i'd expected something more upbeat based on the setting.
The theme implementation is bit limited, you are the "projectile" but you are also just a guy on a pogo.
Nonetheless fun to play.

Like the flipping mechanic to get "cool points" that you have to get to use your special powers.

Overall a job well done on creating a fun little platformer with bouncing mechanics.

So i kinda was able to cheese the game and get stuck in one of the doors(?) with the enemies being on me but not exploding.
The controls are a bit clunky, though that could have also been the regular frame drops.
It probably runs better in the engine then on web.

Other than that, fun visuals and story, missing the theme a little bit but that fine. 

Good job, well done.

The game ran at a really low fps for me, or atleast it felt like it.

The art style is definitely unique, as it looks and sounds like paper (origami)

Its hard to sometimes see how far you can strike, and on starting the level, the enemies are often already on me before i could react.

Other than that, it looks rather impressive, and it runs so good job, well done.

Love the sprite animations on the main guy and the goblin pyromancer, they look really great.

It's simple, but still fun, well done.

Missing the theme a little bit, besides the character being a knight with weapons.

Pretty well done.

Biggest issue that i have is that there is no way to get bullets once you are out them, or maybe i have missed an ability.

Other than that, a solid game, works well, looks kinda nice.

Good job.

The style is well executed, together with the theme being implement both visually and through story.

The indicator doesn't always seem to line up with where the bullet goes, which is sometimes a bit annoying.
And it is hard to figure out what the bullet does bounce of, and what it doesn't. Though the quick restart makes it a lot easier.

Well done, the puzzles and balance are interesting and the wacky setting is indeed wacky and fun.

Very curious art style, reminiscent of older "3d" games.

The game could do with some kind of tutorial or onboarding, restarted 3 times to figure out what i was supposed to do, until i found that the ore processor building is the key to getting enough resources at the start.

One thing that needs fixing; putting two collectors to close to each other causes resources to get stuck between them.

Besides that; Cool music, nice art style, always love a nice tower defense game. Theme is present in lore.
Well done, had fun.