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A member registered Nov 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Regarding your game, some additional feedback during the tasks would be nice, other then that, i'd say this type of game would require a lot of content to be interesting to play, or have another parallel (gameplay)loop to apply how well you have done during the minigames.

The theme is present, but only in background story

Playability is fine, no complicated controls, simple gameplay

For cleverness, there isnt anything special/unique, could have been there with some unique minigames

Artistic style is alright, the looks are consistent, though for a shadow government game with dark themes, the game is rather bright

Wow we actually made a very similar game for the jam! (including both having a vampire alchemist)


As mentioned by the judge's feedback, i too noticed that certain objects had a bit of a weird collision, but other than that, nice job.

Thank you for the feedback.

Your comment hits several of the changes we have made for our "post-gamejam" update, so after the gamejam is over and judges have rated all the project, we will update the game with a lot of changes.

You can be assured that you are not necessarily a god gamer, the game was made significantly easier for the gamejam release, so people would be able to see more of the game and avoid getting frustrated.

The 3 clicks panic smoke bomb will be replaced with (most likely) a single key input, 1-4 for the usable concoctions :D

Interesting, I initially had the idea for making our game fully turn-based, but went with a half/half instead.

Having limited controls makes the game simple/easy to play, but with the upgrade system interesting to try out different methods to play the game.

Here's a few things to add/improve;

  • To increase the speed of the game, dont fully path for enemies that are far away from the player, just teleport them to the location if they can walk there
  • A death animation for the enemies
  • A tutorial would not be a miss (eventhough there is not much needed to explain)
  • A skip/wait action
  • An action points bar (to indicate how many actions you have left)
  • and indicator who's turn it is
  • Hide the player's actions when it is not their turn

These are all points that would be nice to have.

The game is nicely made, the audio is also befitting the game's setting.

Good job.

it doesn't seem the game is in working condition, the light seems to work, rotating with the mouse, but other than that it does not seem to do anything.

The visual effect of the light is nice though.

Its a pretty nice " vampire survivor clone" game

If you are continuing working on this i'd recommend focusing on performance improvements, as the game started to lag significantly once a bunch of enemies were on the screen.

Also, the game currently is not really a challenge, which is fine for the gamejam, but if you want to make it a proper game you'd want to add some challenge to it.

For a first game in godot, this is actually very well done. Good job.

sounds cool, do it :)

A well made puzzle-platformer with a quirky movement mechanic.

Definitely spent more than 6 minutes playing the game xD

The multitude of checkpoints is really nice, would maybe add some visual indicator for them

You have a nice visual and audio indicator of the cauldron being charged, but only a visual indicator when it loses charge, would recommend either and active audio sfx and/or a "discharge" sfx.

The game's tutorials are very well done. To make the input 100% clear in game, i'd recommend adding the gif on you game page into the game. Though the existing guidance is sufficient.

Very well done :D

The Art of the Big Wiz and the story as presented are great.

Besides that is what you have a great start to make something fun out of.

Good to hear that you have learned a lot from this project. Experience is extremely usefull for becoming better as a game developer.

The next time you will get even more done, and the time there after even more.

Keep it up, and nice work :D

There is not really much here to give feedback on, though it is a good start to make something nice from.

Maybe a good idea, if you want to make a story, to make paths instead of a grid, where people can choose the next tile but have to choose one of multiple tiles at intersections.

A fun little platform game with a cute style and interesting inversion mechanic.

I did not have fun with the tight jump in the inverted level, where if you fail it, you land on spikes below (double fail)
Though that is just my opinion :) can imagine others not having issues with that.

Maybe also consider adding checkpoints, should allow you to make larger levels.

A good job on making a nice project.

That is some really great feedback, thanks :D

The cauldron issue has been fixed, so will update the game after judging is done. Together with some audio.

A neat looking little puzzle game.

I like the art style and story combination with the theme.

There are a few cases where you can get yourself stuck with the only option being jumping into the light (how poetic that might be), which is a bit annoying to have to do.

Additionally it is sometimes kinda hard to grasp what buttons do when the light it switches is off-screen, maybe add like a wire in the background that runs to it?

Other than that, nice job, well done :)

A nice and simple vampire survivor game, with the unique twist of alchemy used for upgrades.

Well done. 

Would have loved more ingredients/upgrades/enemies, but still a fun small game.

The puzzles are very well design and work themselves nicely up in difficulty.

Besides the story, i am missing the alchemy part of the theme, but the shadow part is used very well.

Would maybe have some sort of indication on who you are controlling.

Good job :D

Thank you for the feedback :D

(1 edit)

A very cool concept and well executed.

The walking sfx did become a bit annoying after hearing it constantly xD

I did notice a nice way you made the reflect easy to perform is that the reflected bullets seem to travel towards the mouse. Nicely done.

do miss the shadow theme a bit(besides it being present visually), but you mention this in your GGD.

The game is rather difficult at times, but i think that is part of it's charm. Maybe if got better at it i could have defeated the second boss.

Definitely a nice game, with some polish I could easily see this being released on steam.

I noticed it mainly with toxic ingredients not applying the reduction and increase of toxicity.
The one i remembered clearly was adding an eye to add a bit of toxicity, but it adding 0. Maybe it happend due to me adding milk first and it going into the negative, but i'd assume you clamped it 0 to avoid it.

Might also be that is purely visual. 

In regards to what time, i believe it was on one of the last day or two, well into the game.

A well executed, beautifully presented project that i spent and hour playing without realizing xD

Did notice the added values of an ingredient not correctly being applied to the brew. Which is kinda a big bug due to that being the main gameplay mechanic.

Other than that, a job well done :D

A cool idea matching the theme well, especially the alchemy part.

I have some chemistry knowledge but i dont think that helped me with this game xD

Most of the time i did really have a clue what i was doing, just trying to get the color the game told me to get.
Maybe it would be nice if, when trying to use an element on a tool, it indicates what the result would be?

Other than that, cool concept for a puzzle game.

I.... uh, the game stuttered when i entered the lighthouse, killed a guy, and then fell into a hole in the floor and went all loki falling for 10 min before i restarted the game (maybe want to have a kill Z in there)

Tried it again but got overwhelmed in the lighthouse by like 10+ demon dudes.

The Sfx on the gun hit is a bit weird but other then that, a nice start at making a first person monster shooter.

Curious that you went from RTS to FPS.

Good job on making something interesting and playable :)

(1 edit)

I read the scroll the first time, but instinctively went; "got dmg spell, lets kill skeleton" only to realise he's gonna pound me into a wall and kill me xD

I played the game again, and got past the first skeleton, but the game is still rather hard(one mistake and an enemy will just walk up and kill you).

Once i got the spider climb spell cast, i did not remember it afterwards, the only spell i remembered was call lightning because it was powerful enough and by constantly reminding myself the "code" 1-2-5,1-2-4,2.

Remembering spells like that is really difficult, especially when its multiple spells.

I plays into your story very well though.

Also the hands on the scroll are kinda hard to read + when i think i did it right, but nothing happened, its hard to figure out which finger was not supposed to be up.

The system is very interesting and cool, if it is also easier to use. 

so yeah, tldr; hands on scrolls are hard to read/understand, spells are hard to remember.

Same, sadly had to choose between bugfixing and audio the last few days of the jam xD
Thank you for your feedback

A fun little game with an interesting and challenging main mechanic.

I am missing the alchemy part of the theme.

Also the GDD is rather short, and doesn't really tell much besides what you have made.

other than that, good job on making a fun experience :)

There is not really much to give feedback for but i like the attempt at creating an interesting alchemy/magic system, kinda reminds me of the one in the magicka games.

Would recommend making sure you have a proper GDD, as the current one does not give much usefull information.
(there is the example one found on )

We some extra elbow grease you could make this into something fun, keep it up :)

Interesting game, though could use some work making it user friendly.

This is just some feedback based on my view on the game, and me playing it:

  • Right click is generally cancel when having just left clicked to start an action, so i required some discord assistance to figure out how to place buildings.
  • I'd recommend showing either progression or turn rate numbers on buildings. These kinda games do well with players who like numbers, so giving the player the right amount of information is important. Right now "higher efficiency" does not tell me much, especially in regards to if it is more efficient to build more of the same building, or just upgrade the ones i have.
  • A highlight on a building I have selected would not be amiss.
  • The ability to allocate workers freely is nice and allows for some interesting setup where i first focus on red to build up, and then set everybody on blue to make gold.
  • Also, i'd recommend having the icon of the "price" resource next to it, i initially did not know it only costed red gems/crystals

Other than that the audio is chill and fits the "laid back" gameplay, and art is consistent and the dwarves looking like little lego dudes is kinda cute :P

Working together as programmers is generally a great learning experience so i hope you learned a lot, and even more as you continue developing this.

Good job, keep it up.

So the shadow part of the theme is very well executed.

Interesting mechanic to use ammo for lighting, though having it also function your interact for buttons makes it a bit annoying to get to a button only to find you cannot press it.

Good use of emissive shading.
Though having the buttons be the same color as the environment makes them easy to miss.

Good job

Thank you for playing and the feedback.

Yeah that was a bug i thought i fixed but for some reason came back xD

This looks like a good base to build a light vs shadow themed tower defense game from.

Everything that is there is good.

Audio is nice and funky :P

So good news, the game works, it does stutter a few times, where the frames drop to 0 for a few seconds, but otherwise its fine.

Did reach a moment where could not pickup more stuff, and also did not have enough money to buy anything, so i guess i was done with the game at that point? xD

The art style look good, and gameplay reminds me of the games mentioned in your GDD (especially Motherload)

The Theme isn't really present in regards to the gameplay besides the upgrade system, though that is not complete it seems (or i did not mine far enough).

Overall job well done on making something fun, interesting and playable, good job.

The pixel art is rather well done, and the realm shift for the shadow theme is nice for puzzle interactions.

The movement is a bit clunky in combination with the animations, like attacking and moving at the same time.

I'd also say that life force and health are very close together in regards to concept and color on the screen. Maybe if they were different colors they'd be easier to distinguish.

Oh also, what shrub/bush/mushroom is an "enemy" and what isnt is not very clear.

It is playable which is good, and the style is there, so keep at it and it could become something really cool :D

Can see the Darkest Dungeon inspiration very clearly.

The deck mechanic for performing certain actions is very well done and fun to play, though i'd maybe recommend reducing the amount of clicking players need to due for certain actions, or allow click and hold (my wrists would love that)

With some additional content, maybe a bit of story, I can see this being a proper game.

Good job :)

Soooo, the game is pretty hard, I did not make it past the skeleton :( , tried a few times but kept dying.

The spell concept is pretty cool.

Cant say much about the rest of the game, but can see this being a proper game with a bit of polish and playtesting.

Good job :)

(1 edit)

A nice puzzle game with an interesting and well made art to support it.

It feels like solving a Rubik cube, with extra tools to change the faces xD

Love the variety of tools to solve the puzzles, really allows for some creative thinking.

A nice game, with the alchemy part of the theme well executed into the gameplay.
Good job :D

I find it unfair that the bullets of the slimes seem to be able to go through the environment but not my daggers xD

Anyway, a solid game with nice looking art, and well executed gameplay.

I do feel like I lack a bit of agency regarding what to do with the orbs, would have loved to be able to choose or control what kind of upgrades i could get, instead of seemingly random ones. Would have maybe leaned into the alchemy theme more.

But none the less a good game and a good job :D

The style is pretty nice, love the tarrot card menu.

Main advice for your next jam would be to choose one game mechanic and make it well.
I feel like you might have over-scoped a bit by trying to make 3 games into 1, which resulted in all three of them feeling/being incomplete.

Love the vibe you are going for, and the throwback to what "old" flash games used to be like :)

Good job

(1 edit)

Here  is my list of feedback:

  • The game took a long time to work in my browser, maybe add a simple initial scene, instead of having the first level the game opens be the main level (this is just a tip to have players not think the game might be broken because it takes a bit to load)
  • The orientation on respawn seems to be the same as when i "died", which is confusing sometimes as it made me go into the wrong direction a few times
  • You can move up the sides of certain platforms, which i dont think is intended xD
  • The "slowdown" on the menu feels more like you are forcing a lower framerate, which is fine because it works, but feels weird

Overall for a 3d platformer it is fine, as you mention yourselves, with a few more interesting puzzles it would have been great. Though nonetheless, it is well executed, good job.

oh no, i thought i fixed that xD hahaha
Yeah I made sure it should not be able to break the game, but it is not intended no.
Thank you for catching that.

I have made a lot of these mechanics before so I was able to reproduce them relatively quickly.
I also did a bunch of testing beforehand to figure out how to get an UE4 build running on Itch, so that saved some time too.

Thank you for your feedback :)

The art is very well done.

Would have loved to have it shown somewhere what the "person" wants instead of having to remember it,  but i guess that is part of the game's difficulty.

The mimic twist is funny to have in there.

The alchemy and shadow theme is well executed in story and art.

Did encounter a bug when pressing exit and then cancel, the game just freezes.

Nice job.