Nice job, you got the fundamentals of a speed runner in the 2 weeks. Respawn time & location being quicker or voluntary was my main concern too. Level 2 was a little slower going than 1 (maybe skill issue) and I can't comment beyond those 2 since I was on web and 3 crashed. Keep working on making the maps really cool levels that are a rush to play and this will be awesome.
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Nice job making a cute little bread themed platformer! You got the basics right, I'd like to see how wild you can take the concept of bread as a weapon.
It ran smooth for me, so I'm not sure what optimization you were thinking of beside code cleanup. Pre-optimization is potentially unneeded optimization! Searching for good youtube videos and asking questions in discord can probably help answer your optimization questions.
Great job, this does exactly what it set out to. I was scrambling to not explode. The artwork is great and the in-game instructions were very clear, so I knew what I was doing. I did brute force the first compass but understood it once I got to blitz. Music/SFX would have definitely help increase players adrenaline as the timer ticks down.
I had to play it a second time just to flex my skills after I understood how to best navigate and control the characters. A scoreboard/end timer for fastest run would be such a fun addition. I could see fellow jammers competing for best score on a game like this. More maps of course too! I can tell great love and detail went into the one stage you did compete, good job!
Very surreal game, certainly original! Once you get the concept it is not too hard, and the gameplay loop is a little repetitive. I'm guilty of not explaining mechanics in game too - it's easy to skip in a Jam but always super valuable for the inevitably confused players.
I'm not sure exactly what I'd change except add a little spice and variety. Instead of engaging with the other mechanics I just fed the beast, unlocked all turrets, then upgraded them, and won.
Maybe the entity possessing the mech has a mental link with you gives you a warning about the highest priority approaching threat every few waves, like a shoot a missile at a super dangerous tank approaching from the west, or they're throwing all their enemies at us this wave and use the big bomb to kill them all. Maybe add a passive income source too? Just a few ideas. Great job pulling off getting so much content done in a game jam.
I really like the mysterious vibe/style. The moves are fun to utilize and solving the rooms with them fun. I could see some really creative level design making this basis for a game really shine.
Backtracking requiring re-solving is a little much - since I went left of the locked door first, I ended up doing the left entry room 4 times while unlocking the left and right control panels, not counting deaths. A bug I found was pressing 1-3 again while a move was still animating still drains the energy from the extra key presses.
It is a cool boss but quite difficult! the combat mechanics need to be a little tighter IMO. Exploding him resulted in him getting me too often so I adopted just dodging for the main strategy. I think if the explode power briefly stunned him, I'd be way more likely to want to risk engaging him. The environmental pillars were not blocking his ground explosion projectile attack. Dash/Slash Hitbox seemed to kill me at times I felt I dodged, I'm going to give this boss a few more tries now, wish me luck!
Parts I like are the SFX, VFX retro filter. Overall, I found controls are actually enjoyable once you get them - they feel authentic, in a slightly frustrating way you'd expect for an amateur . The camera view of the claw is a great touch too . This has potential, super original.
I didn't get the sorting aspect until I peeked at the design document. I also thought maybe I was in a SMASH simulator at first and then learned finesse is required to dismantle each part of the car. If this were a full game I'd expect some more UI elements to show progress of the current task complete and perhaps some a tutorial level where you 'sort these 5 things' that are already off the car to help teach you the mechanics.
The painterly aesthetic is not something you see in games often; I like it in this! I Wanted just a little more oomph in the grapple reeling/swinging action but I understand that might have broken/bypassed the puzzles.
The red arrow graphic pointing between the yellow and grey/blue blocks could be a little clearer, I first thought it meant hitting the block would change the color, not realizing that I had to be standing on the source yellow block. Swap the red arrow out for the grapple graphic and maybe add a little robot on the source block perhaps?
Really solid storytelling and atmosphere! Didn't have too much trouble getting the required tasks done once I was oriented but was a little slow the first time through. This works well though since there was plenty to look at, explore, and clues to find.
Bug report? Ended up getting stuck on the disk selection page on the bridge during my second playthrough, mouse wasn't visible. I had been alt tabbing and using fullscreen so maybe my own fault and limitations the browser.
Great retro feel and I like the story hook of rescuing your dog. Simple to get mechanics but could still benefit from a brief popup explaining things.
Great job on what you shipped for the jam. This could become a standout puzzle game with a few more levels and puzzle types. My only wish while going through was knowing more of exactly what a switch or pressure plate did when it was an off screen change.
I like the art style and animations, were you influenced by Another World or Flashback at all? If not check them out!
Like nulture, I almost got lost in level 2 also so my #1 request would be a map. The scale of things felt too big at first but it ended up being pretty fun jumping around like spider man.
The enemies felt dangerous but not since I ended up running from them a lot so perhaps some changes would help - if avoiding enemies was the intended play style, then maybe make them even more dangerous and have the player leverage their wit rather than brawn against them through clever level designs.
I love the small arena and enemy count survival mechanics. Each enemy and action feels like it has higher stakes when compared to standard survivals. Really brings a more arcade easy to learn / hard to master feeling too.
I do enjoy a difficult game that makes you just want to retry and play again, which you've got - but it ends a little early for my taste so the starting difficulty & scaling would be my main tweak suggestion.
I didn't want to take the reduce recoil because I like the extra speed from boosting away from reds or the edge of the arena.
What a great little game. I know you're supposed to go flying high, but I like trying to snake along the ground while keeping momentum and touching the ground, braking slightly before cresting the hills. Maybe that style is intentional to refill your tail and mixing it with jumping big could go far? I'll need more practice to find out.
Angel's playstyle was my favorite part. Upgrades felt substantial. Nice job getting an entire roguelite done in a jam!
On my first play through I think I did soft lock after the 'secret room' bug described below. Went through a single tile wide passage. I thought it was a secret room too, it was all white and I could only leave the way I came in. Leaving dropped me in an entirely new zone, and I didn't have a green position marker on the map. Went into the next room and it was the shop without any exit. Tried again and beat first boss then got distracted and died (pause pls!).
Thanks for playing my game on stream again, great to see some live playtesting!