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Introductions Sticky

A topic by PPTDEV created Nov 05, 2019 Views: 550 Replies: 14
Viewing posts 1 to 11

Say hello! Chat if your interested.


Made a promo for the game jam!


Don't have account but still curious about the jam? Have a discord?

Join us here!


Just stopping by to say hello!

Despite my rather limited time to participate right now, I'm still going to try to make something compelling for this jam.

Good luck to everyone!


Hi there! Awesome challenge! This will be a first for me in many many ways, but i'll give it my best :D


Awesome of you to join! Do your best and create what you want!


Hello! Imma do something if I can get desktop powerpoint working cuz it's my school account and that complicates things.


Awesome! If it's not working there are alternative presentation programs you can use like LibreOffice, Google Slides and more!


Thanks, but I'm by far the most familiar with PowerPoint so I think I'm gonna stick to it.

I couldn't get the animations and hyperlinks working, so I sadly have to leave the jam.


Hello! This game jam idea is awesome, i know how to code but i never get to finnish a game jam project. This idea is so innovative because i already saw games made in powerpoint but i never saw a powerpoint gamejam hope this becomes monthly / annual.


Actually had plans to start on a "full" powerpoint game, to see how far I could take it. And suddenly this jam appeared - great coincidence! Don't have a lot of time with Christmas and everything, but hope I can make a small entry and check out what everyone else made :)

Thanks for setting this up @pptdev!


I've been looking for an opportunity to make a PowerPoint game for a while. I don't know any VBA code, but I do know how to make a game without VBA (prob something unoriginal like a maze game). I've started work on a new powerpoint game already before I found this game jam on Reddit. I'll prob make a demo for the jam, then take whatever feedback I can get, and finish the game after.

Super excited to be a part of this!

I wish this had been more advertised. I made a game in Power Point more than 10 years ago


im stuck on making the second level because intuitive design is bloody hard