Devlog #1
So - i'm making a boomer shooter. Not alone of course, I have artists helping out and I can't wait to share their work BUT
It's a new genre for me, so why choose it?
This year I don't have as much time as normal to spend on the coding of the game itself so I spent a bit of time looking for engines where the core gameplay is already complete and most of my work goes towards design and additions. This search led me to Easy FPS Editor CE - an engine specifically made for making simple boomer shooter style games.
This instantly sparked an idea in my head - each mascot could be a boss at the end of a DOOM-esque level, and each level could be themed around that boss. I had my idea, now I just needed to make it.
So I started feeling out the vibes of each mascot, taking their core concepts and ideas and figuring out what they made me think of. What decade, what setting, what music... I planned out each boss with it's own level, theme and concept. But I still needed some normal enemies so I had a choice - do I use guns and make it violent? Or change it up and make it more suitable? I went for the latter. You shall see in the future!
My next step was blocking out each level, using textures that somewhat match the right vibe I planned 9 full levels with secrets, locked doors, boss rooms and more. Honestly this was one of my favourite parts so far, just feeling out the flow and ideas for a level as I placed down tiles was fun and great vibes.