It could be anything! A little known fact about the development of the game! The origin of a specific feature! An easter egg! The original game idea and how it changed over the course of development! The crazy story of how rough the submission process was!
- The explosion sound effect is actually a heavily edited vine boom.
- The gunshot sound effect is a random sound effect I made on sfxr about a year ago, titled "BANG1.wav." I don't remember what game I intended to use it for, but it made for a great heavy gunshot noise.
- The AI for the attack drone is literally just: rotate towards the player, and move forward. And it worked! In fact, the lack of real pathfinding made for a more interesting gameplay experience, as sometimes you can go behind a building, and be ambushed by a swarm of 7 drones that were only there because they were trying to move through the building that was in their way.