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Introduce yourself! Sticky

A topic by ryan zone created Dec 24, 2018 Views: 750 Replies: 27
Viewing posts 1 to 11

Welcome to SCREAMWORLD! Thanks for joining - or considering joining - the third instalment of SCREAM JAM. I'm looking forward to playing all your submissions come the end of the jam in early March, and hope to be seriously spooked in the process! 

I'm SCREAM CATALOGUE (@screamcatalogue) - and, if you couldn't infer from the name, I've been running a bunch of horror game jams since October to encourage scary, surreal, and downright weird games on Itch! I've made a few games with Caveware Digital (@caveware) since 2014. The last game we made was Ghost Dance, which was made for the SCREAM SEASON game jam in December.

 Feel free to introduce yourself in this thread and plug your own work. What projects have you worked on? 


Starconstructor, working on platformer


Hi, I'm Matze. I've been working on a classic point & click adventure for two years now, meanwhile we are a team of 4. The game is called "Echidna's Daughter" and it still needs some time to get done. In the meantime I love joining jams if the topic sounds interesting.

I like to create point & click adventures or escape games. Stars and space are recurring motifs in my games.

Good luck to all participators!


Hey, thanks for joining the jam! It's great to see some love for the traditional point-and-click adventure game and I'm glad there's still folks developing games in the genre. I still remember playing the Crimson Room flash game years ago and playing a lot of the old flash escape games that have now become a massive genre in their own right - the really good ones like the Antichamber series are awesome. What are some of your inspirations for focusing on those genres? 


Crimson Room was one of the pioneers for the Escape Room genre.

I really love the Rusty Lake series. It has a unique style, a great atmosphere and returning characters and exciting mystical plot elements. The developers, two guys from the Netherlands, let themselves inspire by Twin Peaks. But one can also see some influence from the Buddhist philosopy in their games. The stories are really deep. The developers got really successful durinf the last years. Last year they made a combination of a game and a movie.

Another good inspiration is the submachine series. I don't know if the developer of is still active. Submachine also has very mystic and dark plot.

My point&click inspiration mainly comes from classics like Monkey Island & Indiana Jones. But I also like the Daedalic games like "A new beginning". I like games in a realistic setting. More or less realistic.


I had a complete memory blank and for whatever reason mistook (the admittedly really good puzzle game) Antichamber for the Submachine series. No idea why! I agree, it's a really good series. Speaking of good series - I am a Twin Peaks fan and made a David Lynch fangame recently (it's on Itch) so I absolutely am going to have to check the Rusty Lake series out, thanks for the rec! 

I agree about near-realism in games. There's something very appealing with artstyles and narratives that have a sort of fractured verisimilitude. It's almost like real life, but there's a hit of something awry, without being blatantly fantastical. 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hi ! I'm Yazorius, from France (Bordeaux).

Mainly a music composer. I've learned to use Clickteam Fusion in aim to find some projects using my own music (because I'm fed up that nowadays the job of music composer is mostly took by technicians/sound-designers using pre-made loops, samples and synth pad, giving a fast result full of emptiness, "clich茅",  with only one or two boring chords and ininteresting melodies. My own point of view).

I've studied music composition, harmony, counterpoint, music instruments (piano, organ, ...) at the Conservatory of Music. I'm now a music teacher, and try to add different skills to my professionnal possibilities, like graphics and programing. As an adventure videogame fan, I do my best to make adventure projects. With a friend, I've already made a free puzzle game ("Kitrinos") available on most online videogames store.

I've dicovered Gamejams in 2016 with the BlackCubeJam, and since, I've participated to plenty of different gamejams, online (on Gamejolt or, or during an event in my city (like Global Gamejams for exemple). Some of my projects are still available on Gamejolt and

This actual screamworld gamejam will help me to create a new chapter of a project made for the Darktober 2018. All will be new (concept, graphics, music, code, ...), and be playable independently of the first chapter. I'll just keep the black&white aesthetic, to keep unicity of the full game.

You can discover some of my previous creations here :

GameJolt : :
GlobalGameJam :
GameJam + :
Bandcamp :
Soundcloud :


Hey! Thank you for joining the jam! 

It's really cool that you're able to integrate a musically-trained background into your creative projects. I agree that soundtracks are an often overlooked (and rushed) dimension of game development that often leads to complacency. I'm a stranger to music theory, but there's definitely just something fun about being able to compose for your own game and really have control over the tone and atmosphere of your game, instead of trying to fit what you've made with someone else's loops/royalty-free soundtracks. 

What adventure games inspired you to create projects in that genre? They're a favourite of mine too! 

Awesome to hear that you recently started game development and built modelling/programming skills from the ground up - I hope you keep at it with contributing to jams and also working on long-term projects, it's very impressive! 


If I particularly like games like Myst, I unfortunately do not have the time to realize such universes, integrating in a natural way moments of reflection in these worlds with breathtaking graphics. Maybe someday. But for now, the major influence of the games I make (Kitrinos & De Offectibus) remains based on 4 titles: Shivers, Jewels of Oracle, Aura & 7th Guest. Games where a succession of intellectual challenges and puzzles enrich a game of exploration in relatively small places.

I hope I have the time to finish my prototype for this gamejam, because I seek above all to deepen the universe, without invading too heavy and numerous texts and references: thus, if curious players have fun to make various searches, they can discover many subtleties in the game that are not accessible without looking outside the game. So, for now, I have not created anything as definitive graphics (some drafts of test, without more) and absolutely nothing programmed or even written in music. I feel that the final rush will be intense! ^^


Sounds awesome! Big fan of the Myst series - Riven is one of my favorite games of all time. There's definitely a lot of appeal to games that have fleshed-out lore where exploring and learning about the fictional world is a joy in its own. 

I hope you are able to find the time to get a framework for the game down by the end of the game jam and hopefully work on the project afterwards! The crunch can be hard to manage, but hopefully it can set you up to flesh out this awesome idea for a fictional world afterwards. 

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! 


Unfortunately, I am not sure that I'll be able to propose a playable prototype before the end of this gamejam. Many personal worries (health status of a very close person who lives his last days) have kept me away from my computer these last days, and I will be away from keyboard  all day tomorrow.

I'm afraid, so, that I will not be able to participate correctly, But I will still try to propose something (playable or not) to prevent this gamejam to see its number of participants drop by my fault .

Anyway, I will obviously continue the development of this second chapter, even if it is beyond the delay of the gamejam, and mention this "Screamworld" gamejam in the credits of this chapter, because I would not have conceived any of what I've prepared for this prototype without it and the motivation it brought to me.

All this to warn, therefore, that my prototype of chapter 2 will not be reached at all, and so, don't expect something good/playable/finished. I am obviously the first one to be sad of this situation.


That's completely understandable - life commitments and being able to manage tough times comes well before game projects. I hope you are coping well and are able to support the person that you mentioned.  

The voting period lasts a week, so if you'd like to upload the game in that timeframe if you wish, just submit a blank submission, and I can turn the 'update during voting period' feature on at some point, if you let me know. 

Otherwise, if you are interested, the next Scream Jam is in two months and can be found at this link. (You're the first person to know about it!)

Take care, and best wishes, I hope things get better for you. Hope to see you in the future! 

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks for your understanding. I've created the empty project, in aim to activate my participation in your gamejam. I'm going back home tonight, and I'll have a few hours to finish the prototype of my game (which unfortunately will not be complete anyway). I will refine the project the following weeks (I'll need it to keep my mind busy) to come up with a coherent chapter. In the meantime, the testers will still be able to get an idea of what this chapter should be.


You're welcome. I'm going to allow new uploads past the deadline, so feel free to keep adding to the submission after tomorrow! You may also want to label the game as a WIP so people rating and commenting don't expect a complete game. At any rate, the ratings don't mean too much. I'm looking forward to see what your work in progress will be like, and hope to see you in a future SCREAM JAM!  

Submitted (1 edit)

I've done my best to offer something playable here: I just uploaded my game on Alas, many riddles already designed (and sometimes even whose graphics and sound effects are completed) could not be implemented due to lack of time. This project, in its current version, is a little frustrating demo with stressful music ... But if we can not do a lot of things, we can still appreciate the atmosphere and graphic/esoteric style of what will await the player. I intend to move forward in this project in the next weeks, to propose a real second chapter.


Congratulations to the winners of this contest. I am sorry for my absence, both to finish my project correctly and to try all the games submitted. Last Friday, my father died ... So I spent most of my time with my mother organizing the funeral until the obsequies. I'm just coming back today. Still sorry not to have been able to participate in this gamejam fully. I will try the contest games in a few days, when I'll feel better. Again, congratulations for this gamejam.

Hi! I'm Ephex, and I've been working on horror games for almost two years now with game maker studio. I've started a bunch of projects from the start, but I didn't finish it all. From the start, I made horror 2d games, just for fun. But then, I learned 3d and I started a couple of projects in FPS, but it was too hard for me. When I had an idea, an error popped at me and forced me to leave thst project apart because i just couldn't find the way to solve it. But finally, I started the "Void" game project, and it gone well! It turned out to be my first finished game, and then I met Kire Jam, the guy who made the soundtrack, and it was really cool to work with him. I think the atmosphere does the touch to it, but that is your choice. The game is submited to the jam btw.

PS: sorry for my bad english 馃槄馃槄


Hey EPHEX, thanks for your interest in SCREAMWORLD and submitting 'The Void' to the jam! Unfortunately, one of the rules we try and enforce is keeping submissions to games made mostly within the jam period. We do this to encourage people to participate with the jam and its community itself, and also keep the voting for ranked submissions fairer so that all games were made with the same timeframe available. I've delisted the game as a submission for the jam for these reasons, but nonetheless this game looks awesome and I'm going to check it out!

oh! Sorry about that! I'm new at this type of things and I didn't know about that, but thanks for the opportunity anyway! I don't care of rankings anyway, I just want people play my game.


Thanks for understanding! There are lots of jams that have less restrictive rules or go over broader periods of time, so I hope it isn't too discouraging! I hope the other jams you've submitted the game to generates a lot of attention/plays and more support! 

Hello everyone, im in too


Hi PocketPuzzle! Glad to have you join! What do you think you're going to make?

I thinking in ancients demons and deep space definitely a hard puzzle 


Hello everybody my name is Chris I'm actually working on what seems to be a doom clone it started off originally as a Resident Evil 7 style game but yet that quickly changed. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Greetings, fellow earthlings!

My name's Matt Reeves, and I love horror. I made He Keeps Me Here for the EPIC MegaJam last year (but missed the deadline due to some weird Visual Script error in the last hour). It was a great challenge, and definitely the best thing I've ever done in terms of game development, because it pushed me to actually finish a game. Even though I couldn't enter the contest, it did really well in, and inspired me to take game development more seriously.

Currently, I am developing Project N (actual name reveal possibly tomorrow), which is a horror game borne out of my extreme distaste for the current state of horror games. People just make the same game over and over, including flashlights, note and key hunts, lame jumpscares, etc. So I'm trying to make something that has little to none of that. If there are any streamers available, hit me up with a PM, and I will happily send you the demo. So far it's getting great feedback, and people are literally screaming when they play it, so that's a good sign.

As for this current jam, I'm going for a FPS horror game with big atmosphere, and lots of lonely exploration. With game jams, I like to go solo, and just make up a game as I go. So I'm a decent way into this project (though I only started it last night because I was focusing on the other demo), and I have no idea where it will end within the next couple days, but something fun hopefully.  I'm making every single assets from scratch with no outside resources, so this is a great challenge for me. What I have so far is pretty vibey, and I think you guys will dig it.

Feel free to check out Project N at any of the following:


Hey Matt, thanks for joining SCREAMWORLD! 

Jams are great opportunities to motivate to build on existing dev skills. I agree, the horror genre can invite ideas with trite stereotypes and tired cliches, and that's why I really enjoy the new and interesting ideas folks try out when making horror games for this jam.  

The atmospheric horror direction is a great one, and paired with exploration mechanics, it sounds like you've got an interesting game on your hands. Looking forward to see what you come up with! 


Hello! I am an independed game developer working in Game Maker. This is just a side hobby of mine, so don't expect anything professional from me.

I just uploaded my game to the jam, and I hope you guys enjoy. It's ScareWorld. It is my first proper horror game and my first time trying to make some scary sounds. Also, all the sounds in the game are 8 bit, made with Bfxr and some music was made with Fami Tracker (it was kind of hard to making beeping noises in something totally different).

It was made in game maker in a week, and I just wanted to give a few notes. It might have some performance issues because this is my first time working with so many objects and other background items. Also, the game ends on the second level because I just didn't have enough time to continue making (i had school and some personal stuff) and the performance of my laptop wasn't helping. Everything in the game was made by me, from the code, to the graphics (which aren't all that good, really).

And a quick little fun fact, the name ScareWorld came up because I miss read the name of this jam, and basiclly made my project Scareworld because I would change the name later, but I just ended up sticking with it.