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Sorry if my Cup Runeth over

A topic by Omnislash024 created Feb 07, 2023 Views: 139 Replies: 3
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Even if it's disqualified for breaking the rules, could you run the quest through anyway? I realize that it has a lot of text that it runs over to a second page but the Quest mechanics means I need to put a lot of text in it.


In a future jam you may be able to submit a larger quest, but for this one unfortunately, i wont be able to allocate time to judge or play unqualified submissions.


I had to cut a lot of the lore and back story to my quest to get it to fit on one page.  Another Jam with a 2-page limit in the future would be exciting! Let the storytellers pull you in with the lore and Zargon's evil henchmen do their worst!


Two pages would be great, for sure.