omg, I managed to make 3041 by using the Storm Cloud, Big Fire Ball, 2 3-Sparks and a Shield XD it was so hard, the enemies got so big and they were so numerous the game reached something like 2 FPS Doing large circles helped a lot killing enemies and gathering points, but at the end I just ran in front of my trying to wear the tailing enemies
it’s quite intense!!
Also I tried earlier and it took lot of time to load, so I did something else instead and when I went back it was showing “You died” without any mean to reload the game other by reloading the page XD
Gotta love combining powers!! I think it’s hard to fully appreciate them because enemies grow slightly too quickly, so when you got something that’s supposed to be powerful, the enemies already got so many HPs it isn’t anymore - so defensive (repulsive things and shields) and paralyzing (electricity) stuff are quite useful in the “late game”
Great job!!!
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