Overscoped game!
I really wish there were more, but again this is a short jam.
For the few I saw, I like the general mood, very nice graphics, which leaves me craving for more so hopefully it’ll flesh out into a very nice something!!
omg, I managed to make 3041 by using the Storm Cloud, Big Fire Ball, 2 3-Sparks and a Shield XD it was so hard, the enemies got so big and they were so numerous the game reached something like 2 FPS Doing large circles helped a lot killing enemies and gathering points, but at the end I just ran in front of my trying to wear the tailing enemies
it’s quite intense!!
Also I tried earlier and it took lot of time to load, so I did something else instead and when I went back it was showing “You died” without any mean to reload the game other by reloading the page XD
Gotta love combining powers!! I think it’s hard to fully appreciate them because enemies grow slightly too quickly, so when you got something that’s supposed to be powerful, the enemies already got so many HPs it isn’t anymore - so defensive (repulsive things and shields) and paralyzing (electricity) stuff are quite useful in the “late game”
Great job!!!
I expected the minotaurus because of the title and I was wary to the point I turned my back to the portal before going in XD and I just read it wasn’t included
gotta love the visual effects!! I like that you can kind of see through walls.
Otherwise labyrinth games ain’t much my thing and walking with almost no variation of the walls makes it kind of boring after some while; I guess if the minotaurus was indeed in the labyrinth it’d have spiced up quite the walk
good job nonetheless :D
Quite fun!! what’s best than kidnapping some farmer’s cow to feed our extraterrestrial alien species.
Upgrades are a nice thing to have. Visuals do their job properly!!
I eventually got stuck because I tried to spook all cows and I couldn’t autopilot my way out for some reason so I had to let myself be autopsied I guess.
Great job!!
Ah, a decrypting game!! why haven’t I had that idea … Quite the fun game! Definitely on the puzzle side. Fortunately since this is an alpha version, my PC didn’t explode as that fishy Markie said. I enjoyed it!
great work!!
An actual introduction cutscene, quite cool! The game has a cute overall feeling despite the impeding doom looming on the planet. The controls feel OK, tho I couldn’t understand the going through floor stuff and I kept dying - at the playtest room since I thought it was a tutorial room The lasers are unforgiving if you keep forgiving about them. When you need to redo stuff because you got zapped without any kind of hint it can get tiring.
Anyway, appreciating the two kinds of gameplay, always a fresh thing, especially within a jam!
Good job
Fun game! I wish I could post a highscore but I kept resurrecting because I kept doing round around the planet at the center and also the score kept rising.
The gameplay is interesting and has some kind of “slingshot” vibe!
Visuals and audios are simplified to their bare minimum, which makes it easily readable.
Also I had issues launching it from the browser on macOS - it makes a JS error of some sort. Using whisky on macOS will work as intended!
Good job!
yeah the random over 16 different runes is way too unfair XD in my original view I wanted to start with 1 kind of rune, 1 slot, then gradually increasing both until it reaches 16 kind of runes & 3 slots. Also, force the distribution so it doesn’t end up never giving you a specific tile too (so some kind of rubberbanding). Right now you need to be lucky and I since I’m not really lucky myself, I actually lost some time testing the game before releasing it XD
I will try to make a slightly better v1.1 with the issues ironed out!!
Thanks for the review <3
I’m very sorry that it made you angry, I had barely the time to make the core loop.
If that was a good game I wouldn’t have to explain the following:
Again, I didn’t have the time to make lots of thing smoother (I submitted it 59s before the deadline), I really wish I did, but I had personal things coming this week.
Last jam I didn’t submit anything because it wasn’t “exactly playable” and I was told it’s a waste so I submitted what I had this time.
Thanks for having given it a try in any case !!
Very cute, very cozy! Love the soft colors and ambiance.
I wish there were more clients and recipes, but it’s a good starting game for showing the basic stuff.
A very nice game overall that would merit some more works (especially content-wise) imho; great job!
Pretty cool!! I’ll try to finish it whenever I got more time, it’s straightforward and seems like it could run on a gameboy!
Appreciating the extra of choosing a costume - and the fact it saves it whenever you relaunch the game!
(I think the coin counter isn’t respecting the resolution properly but I’m too lazy to properly check)
Good work!
yeah unfortunately the game is not finished at all, and this weird glitch bug too that kept happening randomly (most likely this is because an actor isn’t playing the right animation and it breaks the whole game) I shall try to make a better version of it because I couldn’t express my ideas properly!!
thanks for testing it in any case, much appreciated!!