266 entries were submitted between 2021-11-05 17:00:00 and 2021-11-08 05:00:00. 10,381 ratings were given to 271 entries (100.0%) between 2021-11-08 05:00:00 and 2021-11-15 05:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 39.0 and the median was 32.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #118 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Overall | #145 | 3.259 | 3.259 |
Respect du thème | #160 | 3.611 | 3.611 |
Gameplay | #166 | 2.792 | 2.792 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #101 | 3.508 | 3.750 |
Overall | #146 | 3.252 | 3.476 |
Respect du thème | #177 | 3.541 | 3.786 |
Gameplay | #181 | 2.706 | 2.893 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #56 | 3.634 | 3.634 |
Overall | #147 | 3.244 | 3.244 |
Direction artistique | #174 | 2.927 | 2.927 |
Respect du thème | #231 | 3.171 | 3.171 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #110 | 3.161 | 3.161 |
Overall | #148 | 3.242 | 3.242 |
Respect du thème | #153 | 3.677 | 3.677 |
Direction artistique | #179 | 2.887 | 2.887 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #109 | 3.942 | 4.214 |
Overall | #149 | 3.241 | 3.464 |
Direction artistique | #156 | 3.074 | 3.286 |
Gameplay | #181 | 2.706 | 2.893 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #131 | 3.241 | 3.909 |
Respect du thème | #137 | 3.769 | 4.545 |
Overall | #150 | 3.229 | 3.894 |
Gameplay | #186 | 2.676 | 3.227 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #122 | 3.848 | 4.269 |
Direction artistique | #123 | 3.328 | 3.692 |
Overall | #151 | 3.224 | 3.577 |
Gameplay | #210 | 2.496 | 2.769 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #86 | 4.085 | 4.085 |
Overall | #152 | 3.220 | 3.220 |
Direction artistique | #167 | 2.979 | 2.979 |
Gameplay | #195 | 2.596 | 2.596 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #10 | 4.589 | 4.589 |
Overall | #153 | 3.205 | 3.205 |
Gameplay | #230 | 2.370 | 2.370 |
Respect du thème | #255 | 2.658 | 2.658 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #95 | 3.288 | 3.720 |
Direction artistique | #126 | 3.288 | 3.720 |
Overall | #154 | 3.194 | 3.613 |
Respect du thème | #240 | 3.005 | 3.400 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #124 | 3.844 | 4.185 |
Gameplay | #152 | 2.892 | 3.148 |
Overall | #155 | 3.187 | 3.469 |
Direction artistique | #186 | 2.824 | 3.074 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #98 | 4.029 | 4.029 |
Gameplay | #143 | 2.941 | 2.941 |
Overall | #156 | 3.186 | 3.186 |
Direction artistique | #211 | 2.588 | 2.588 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #136 | 3.207 | 3.429 |
Overall | #157 | 3.185 | 3.405 |
Gameplay | #158 | 2.840 | 3.036 |
Respect du thème | #181 | 3.508 | 3.750 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #113 | 3.402 | 3.704 |
Gameplay | #152 | 2.892 | 3.148 |
Overall | #158 | 3.175 | 3.457 |
Respect du thème | #223 | 3.232 | 3.519 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #135 | 3.016 | 3.065 |
Direction artistique | #149 | 3.143 | 3.194 |
Overall | #159 | 3.175 | 3.226 |
Respect du thème | #205 | 3.366 | 3.419 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #140 | 2.985 | 3.032 |
Respect du thème | #150 | 3.683 | 3.742 |
Overall | #159 | 3.175 | 3.226 |
Direction artistique | #181 | 2.858 | 2.903 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Direction artistique | #96 | 3.538 | 3.852 |
Gameplay | #152 | 2.892 | 3.148 |
Overall | #161 | 3.141 | 3.420 |
Respect du thème | #242 | 2.994 | 3.259 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #139 | 3.742 | 4.000 |
Overall | #162 | 3.140 | 3.357 |
Gameplay | #170 | 2.773 | 2.964 |
Direction artistique | #175 | 2.906 | 3.107 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Respect du thème | #148 | 3.686 | 4.348 |
Overall | #163 | 3.133 | 3.696 |
Direction artistique | #171 | 2.949 | 3.478 |
Gameplay | #174 | 2.765 | 3.261 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #111 | 3.143 | 3.194 |
Respect du thème | #150 | 3.683 | 3.742 |
Overall | #164 | 3.133 | 3.183 |
Direction artistique | #214 | 2.572 | 2.613 |