And she also want me to ask anyone here: "Is she allowed to make art for my game?"She is not very good at drawing so it is mostly just to inspire me.I dont want to cheat so please tell me if she is allowed to "help" me.
ofcourse she is allowed you can even team up with other online 3d artist
The rules say "All team members and entrants must be 13+ years old".So that's why i asked my question.
just dont add her to the credits haha I dont think it is that big of a deal
You can use her art as inspiration, but not in the actual game, as per the rule.
Okay thanks!
So if you are inspired by the "Harry Potter" books you will list J.K. Rowling as team member?
unless she is a teammate, no my 11 year old sister wanted to do the same but she just wont cut it
let her do it she will have fun