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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Amazing game. Completed everything except the four bonus levels. I might return in the future, but not right now. Its a bit quirky sometimes (where blocks end up after merging is a bit unclear to me still, though usually it doesn't matter).

The biggest "bad" thing for me was the sokoban parts. Where I had to sokoban instead of 2024 if you know what I mean. I enjoyed the math part of the game way more than trying to maneuver around. But this is most likely just a me thing. Some people might like the sokoban part more.

Glad you like it!

The controls are a bit wonky yes. I really wanted to make it work with dragging instead of clicking, but that would have only worked if I had undo in mind from the start (which I didn't. I only implemented undo on the 9th day). If the jam is over, I might return for a few days and polish up the controls a little bit.

It was.. interesting.

I liked it, but it didn't feel very puzzle-y. I wasn't really thinking about the solutions, but rather just follow my instict (and most of the time it worked).

Take this with a mountain of salt, but I feel like this game could work like some of those randomly generated logic games (like sodoku for example), but I'm not sure if that's feasible for this game specifically (I never really looked at how these games work).

Yeah the lag is an issue. I wanted to also upload a downloadable version but I kind of f-ed it up and couldn't lol.

I recommend playing it in chrome instead of something like firefox.

Glad you liked it though.

That was an amazing game. Such a creative idea, and an amazing execution. The controls felt a tiny tiny bit wonky, but it really wasn't a big deal.

The last level didn't seem too much fun, but level 4 and 6 were actually crazy good.

Hmm yes it does share some similarities. Though I was more inspired by Snakebird and Room to Grow (even though I haven't played either of them lol).

I don't really know how one could make the goals clearer. You won't learn anything without experimenting, and spending only a minute on it doesn't sound too bad...

Glad you liked it :)

Hmmm... you are the first person to say that. You don't control the space ship directly. You can only change the force of the black holes by holding down the mouse button. To get some speed from the black holes you just need to hold LMB until you reach the middle, and the release it to get flung off.

Glad you liked it.

The game doesn't have any ambience sounds or music in the background, so I had to make the player hear the heartbeats all the time.
I knew it would remove some of the suspense and such, but it was still better than having no sound at all (and I didn't want to add anything else. I just didn't feel like working with sounds too much)

Yes I can change keyboard layouts at any time. And also I am pretty used to having those two buttons swapped in many games. But I still want to point it out to as many people as I can, so it will be less and less annoying.

Also I love chatting with people in the background while playing games, so constantly swapping the layouts isn't that much fun.

There is a very faint heartbeat sound in the background. Its just a little too quiet.

"We do a bit of trolling" is very common thing to do in game jams lol.

Interesting game. Conceptually I like the idea of increasing and decreasing the gravity, but in practise I just had to hold up for the entire game. The gaining speed from slopes is really cool, but wasn't used anywhere.

Neat game. I liked it.

Its very repetitive, but I still enjoyed playing it. It would have been nicer if you had more choices. Like "do I prefer to get these crystals because I have a lot of energy, or do I get the energy just in case?". But you don't really have these moments because both of them just give energy, and the energy pickup is straight up better in it.

I really liked this game. Especially the first few levels. I have to say I really really don't like the things that give you negative time. Losing time because I see no other way to progress is just not fun.

The biggest thing that this game is missing is a bar/circle/whatever that shows when you will be able to do the thrust thing again. I'm sure you get used to the timing, but its very annoying when you want to do the thing, but you were early by like 0.2 seconds.

I also tried speedrunning the first few levels, which was pretty fun! And I also beat the first level without any left clicks for some reason. No idea why I did that but that was also pretty fun.

Again. I just need an indication on when can I thrust, and when can I not.

Really cool game. I like basically everything except that useful things can destroy each other. That part is really annoying. Especially when it happens without you even having the opportunity to stop it. Like when an asteroid starts flying away and a thing spawns inside it (or very close to it). Not letting this happen is something you can probably learn with time, but I don't like playing game jam games too much, so I didn't invest in it.

Very impressive for just five days.

I'm going to list a few things here that I didn't like about the game, but that doesn't mean I didn't like the game. The game overall was really fun.

  • The jump and the double jump. They feel way too off. The double jump barely makes a difference, and it feels wrong every time I use it. I expect it to be literally a second jump, so it should be the same as a normal jump from the ground (though the animation for it is the cutest thing in the world!). And on top of that, the basic jump already feels a bit too floaty. But that might be just a personal preference.
  • Offscreen gameplay. Especially near the end of the level, you just press the stomp button and try to focus on what you will need to do when you get back there., instead of focusing on what you should do right now.
  • The last gravity orb is really unforgiving. I kept missing it. Its so small and placed in such a weird place. But its not too big of a deal.
  • I know this was made with mobile in mind, but when you add keyboard support, please don't use Z unless it can be changed in the settings. I use qwertz keyboard (which isn't that rare) and it has the Y and Z swapped.

This game is really hard. Which is understandable. It is a game jam after all. I haven't spent too much time on it (I don't really like playing game jam games. I like making them), so I did terribly.

The trajectory thing is nice, but really hard to use. You don't have enough time to plan your trajectory. I spent most of my time just to try and get my shopping cart out of trouble.

The biggest thing that made me not really like the game is that you lose when you hit the black hole. It makes sense, but it is very very annoying. I assume you added it to not make the game too easy, but it really isn't. It made the game more annoying than difficult for me.

Also sorry if the comment was too negative and you feel bad about your game. Don't feel bad about your game lol. I just thought I would express my opinions in case you find them useful.

There is camera shake when you crash into the back of the trains... it probably is just not enough to really feel it, but I didn't want to go overboard because some people really dislike it (and I def didn't want to spend time making a setting for it)

I agree, some more effects for speeding up would have been nice, but I didn't have time for that.

And the red flash, it only happens when you don't have enough speed. I was way too late at implementing this, so that is all I could do :P

Glad you liked it!

What kind of missing feedback are you thinking of?

Happy you liked it! :)

(1 edit)

Uunfortunately even with my new found knowledge, I still couldn't do anything.

I think I managed to make one sword once, because my highscore is 1000, but other than that, I couldn't get a single sword made.

My attempted swords always looked so different than the ones requested. Especially the handle part. I have no idea what to do there.

I like the concept though. I just sadly couldn't do anything with it.

Edit: Nvm!! I figured it out. The handles need to be two tiles long, and not just one!

Glad you like it! :)


I'm really glad you enjoyed!

The music was made by waterflame. If you enjoyed it, you definitely should check out his other songs as well! they're amazing.
You can go into the credits, and press space at waterflame which sends you to the song used.

"Choo, choo, here I come"!

I love that! Exactly the kind of reaction I was aiming for.
I did make the game a bit too reflex heavy, but I'm glad you could still enjoy it. :)

Thank you!

Happy you enjoyed!

I'll try to adjust the difficulty balance for my next jam :)

I'm happy you enjoyed. I spent a lot of time trying to make the explosions.

It looks like I still need to improve my game's description :)

Glad you enjoyed! :)

I couldn't figure out what to do.

If you would explain it to me in detail, I will gladly return to this game and rate it.


Pretty fun I game. I enjoyed it

I do have to say, its really hard. I didn't spend much time on this game, but I couldn't get basically anywhere. The moving enemies always move together with you, which makes it almost impossible to hit them, and not take damage. My energy is drained very quickly. Though I probably would have got better with time.

The upgrade/score mechanic sounded nice, though I have no idea how to access the repair station. But it sounded nice still.

I didn't really like that you could only shoot using the arrow keys. It doesn't give me enough precision. I much prefer shooting with my mouse which is way more precise. Other than that, its a neat game!

Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed! :)

Input buffering and sound effects were on the list, but low priority. I simply didn't have the time or the energy to add them in. I probably could have whipped some sound effects up in the last two hours, but I was too tired to do it.

Background decoration was also a thing I wanted to add, but I didn't feel like drawing anything. And I couldn't find anything on the internet that I was sure I could use. Copyright and this kind of stuff is way too confusing to me, so I'm only using stuff if I'm 100% sure I can use it.

And lastly the camera got accidentally messed up. Usually the train just stays at the bottom (though it depends on your screen. If your screen is tall, then it won't be at the bottom. Still something I need to learn).
What kind of destroyed this was when I tried to move the camera closer while speeding up... this sadly didn't work out the way I wanted it to. The timer that resets the camera (so your train stays at the bottom) is too slow, and I just didn't notice that it was an issue. This happens when you are too good at your own game lol.

Really glad you enjoyed! :)

Really cool game! I didn't understand like 1/4 of the stuff because my english is is pretty bad when it comes to words like these.

But I enjoyed the game anyway.

The peep sound got pretty annoying very quickly, but turning it off didn't change the experience too much.

At the end it kind of asked things that I could have never answered correctly, and I had literally no idea if the witch should be burned or not. Oh whatever.

Again. Very fun game!

Really really cool puzzle game!

The sounds were super loud, and I don't think I heard any music, but later I noticed there were settings for those. Whatever!

I really liked that last puzzle. The whole game was really enjoyable.

One thing that I want to say, is give the player a bit more space to walk around. These one tile corridors on much larger scale puzzles was kind of annoying. I would suggest either reducing the sizes of long pipes, or making the player be able to walk at least on two tile wide corridors.

I liked the tutorial as well.

Very nice game!

The controls are really weird and I got like a huge input delay about every minute, but the game was still pretty enjoyable.

I couldn't get any of the advanced movement set, probably because I just didn't feel the controls.
I bought the water bounce three times for example, and after the first bounce, it just didn't seem to let me move. So it didn't really help me lmao.

I liked the music, though it was a tiny bit repetitive.

I also found a bug where it would show you the "paid" text in red, and doesn't actually let me buy that row anymore, so there goes two of my dash upgrades.

And one more thing, I absolutely love that you could control everything with just the keyboard (and with a controller as well, if I can read the controls menu correctly). Not many jam games (or games in general) do that, and I prefer kb over the mouse most of the time.

Interesting game. I don't really see how it fits the "multi-use" limitation or the "turn up the heat" theme, but whatever.

The game is really difficult. Like really difficult. Your best bet is to just restart the map until you get lucky, and you don't need to put the little balls through a middle path.

But I enjoyed my time anyway! I also liked the little sounds the balls make when they hit a wall. That was pretty cool

Really nice game! I really liked the the animations and the music.

I have to say I died around three times before I finally realised that I can hold space to give myself some easier timings, but it was still quite fun!

I'm honestly impressed you even made an easy mode and a hard mode, though I do suggest having easy mode unlocked from the start, instead of unlocking  it after your first death.
It feels like the game is just saying "ey yo, you suck! here have easy mode lol" even if that wasn't your intention.

(1 edit)

Yeah I left the instructions a bit unclear, because I was too tired to take anything seriously lmao.

I will update  the game page now to include some better explanations and instructions.

I kind of didn't have time to properly implement your bazooka, so I left it in a secret since it was brutally overpowered. If you collect enough power (the line needs to go way above your screen (about two times as much)), the line turns dark blue, and you can activate the bazooka with the space key.

Glad you enjoyed :)

Edit: I changed the page, so there is now more clarity on what to do.

good luck