I am very close to finishing my game, and wanted a confirmation on the assets outsourced before I build the final version. The credits are as followed, and I also have included them in the game itself. Any content included in game which is not referenced below is made by me (models and environment included).
- TEXTURES (Diffuse only) - Google Images
3 Rock
4 Grass
2 Branches with Leaves - SOFTWARES USED
Unreal Engine - Game Development
Blender3D - Modelling (none outsourced), Texturing (and Texture Painting), Explosion VFX, Water simulation
GIMP & xNormal - Texture maps creation
MakeHuman - Base human 3D model
GlueIt - VFX (Image sequence render) to Flipbook (anim sheet)
GarageBand (iPhone version) - Background music - OTHER ONLINE RESOURCES
Mixamo - Character animations (default rig)
Google Images - 3D Modelling references
Kindly let me know if any of the content violates the rules of the jam, so that I can remove them from the final build.
- PA