45 entries were submitted between 2023-06-30 19:00:00 and 2023-07-03 19:00:00. 292 ratings were given to 46 entries (100.0%) between 2023-07-03 19:00:00 and 2023-07-07 19:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 6.5 and the median was 6.
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall | #1 | 4.179 | 4.179 |
Concept | #1 | 4.143 | 4.143 |
Intrepetation of twist | #1 | 4.286 | 4.286 |
Presentation | #3 | 4.286 | 4.286 |
Enjoyment | #3 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #2 | 4.222 | 4.222 |
Concept | #9 | 3.667 | 3.667 |
Overall | #10 | 3.556 | 3.556 |
Enjoyment | #11 | 3.222 | 3.222 |
Presentation | #18 | 3.111 | 3.111 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #3 | 4.199 | 4.600 |
Overall | #7 | 3.606 | 3.950 |
Enjoyment | #8 | 3.651 | 4.000 |
Concept | #12 | 3.651 | 4.000 |
Presentation | #21 | 2.921 | 3.200 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Overall | #2 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Concept | #2 | 4.133 | 4.133 |
Intrepetation of twist | #4 | 3.933 | 3.933 |
Enjoyment | #4 | 3.933 | 3.933 |
Presentation | #5 | 4.000 | 4.000 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #5 | 3.875 | 3.875 |
Concept | #7 | 3.750 | 3.750 |
Overall | #11 | 3.531 | 3.531 |
Presentation | #13 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Enjoyment | #13 | 3.125 | 3.125 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Concept | #5 | 3.833 | 3.833 |
Intrepetation of twist | #6 | 3.833 | 3.833 |
Overall | #12 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Presentation | #20 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Enjoyment | #20 | 2.833 | 2.833 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #7 | 3.600 | 3.600 |
Presentation | #9 | 3.700 | 3.700 |
Concept | #15 | 3.600 | 3.600 |
Overall | #16 | 3.275 | 3.275 |
Enjoyment | #27 | 2.200 | 2.200 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Concept | #6 | 3.818 | 3.818 |
Overall | #8 | 3.568 | 3.568 |
Intrepetation of twist | #8 | 3.455 | 3.455 |
Enjoyment | #9 | 3.364 | 3.364 |
Presentation | #11 | 3.636 | 3.636 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Presentation | #1 | 4.385 | 4.385 |
Intrepetation of twist | #9 | 3.308 | 3.308 |
Overall | #9 | 3.558 | 3.558 |
Enjoyment | #12 | 3.154 | 3.154 |
Concept | #17 | 3.385 | 3.385 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #9 | 3.308 | 3.308 |
Concept | #13 | 3.615 | 3.615 |
Overall | #18 | 3.173 | 3.173 |
Presentation | #19 | 3.077 | 3.077 |
Enjoyment | #21 | 2.692 | 2.692 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #11 | 3.286 | 3.286 |
Presentation | #12 | 3.429 | 3.429 |
Overall | #17 | 3.214 | 3.214 |
Concept | #18 | 3.286 | 3.286 |
Enjoyment | #19 | 2.857 | 2.857 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Enjoyment | #5 | 3.889 | 3.889 |
Overall | #5 | 3.667 | 3.667 |
Presentation | #7 | 3.889 | 3.889 |
Concept | #9 | 3.667 | 3.667 |
Intrepetation of twist | #12 | 3.222 | 3.222 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Enjoyment | #2 | 4.231 | 4.231 |
Presentation | #2 | 4.308 | 4.308 |
Overall | #3 | 3.827 | 3.827 |
Concept | #13 | 3.615 | 3.615 |
Intrepetation of twist | #13 | 3.154 | 3.154 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #14 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Presentation | #16 | 3.167 | 3.167 |
Overall | #22 | 2.750 | 2.750 |
Concept | #26 | 2.667 | 2.667 |
Enjoyment | #29 | 2.167 | 2.167 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Intrepetation of twist | #14 | 3.000 | 3.000 |
Enjoyment | #17 | 2.900 | 2.900 |
Overall | #20 | 2.950 | 2.950 |
Concept | #21 | 3.200 | 3.200 |
Presentation | #25 | 2.700 | 2.700 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Presentation | #15 | 3.286 | 3.600 |
Intrepetation of twist | #16 | 2.921 | 3.200 |
Overall | #26 | 2.602 | 2.850 |
Concept | #30 | 2.556 | 2.800 |
Enjoyment | #34 | 1.643 | 1.800 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Concept | #4 | 3.900 | 3.900 |
Enjoyment | #6 | 3.800 | 3.800 |
Presentation | #6 | 3.900 | 3.900 |
Overall | #6 | 3.625 | 3.625 |
Intrepetation of twist | #17 | 2.900 | 2.900 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Enjoyment | #7 | 3.750 | 3.750 |
Presentation | #13 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Overall | #13 | 3.375 | 3.375 |
Concept | #16 | 3.500 | 3.500 |
Intrepetation of twist | #18 | 2.875 | 2.875 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Presentation | #17 | 3.143 | 3.143 |
Concept | #18 | 3.286 | 3.286 |
Intrepetation of twist | #19 | 2.857 | 2.857 |
Overall | #21 | 2.929 | 2.929 |
Enjoyment | #25 | 2.429 | 2.429 |
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Presentation | #8 | 3.800 | 3.800 |
Concept | #8 | 3.733 | 3.733 |
Overall | #15 | 3.317 | 3.317 |
Enjoyment | #16 | 2.933 | 2.933 |
Intrepetation of twist | #20 | 2.800 | 2.800 |