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That was fun to play!  I liked trying to keep up with the yellow car, even going off-road as needed to catch up.  Balancing the desire to power up vs. conserve gas was a good use of "Strength through Weakness;" do I want to take on the weakness of more easily getting a game over in order to power up in some manner?

It could be nice for the power-ups to spawn more randomly around the track rather than right behind the yellow car.  Sometimes I would try to ram it from behind and accidentally pick up a newly-spawned power-up, which made me have to deal with the unexpected new gas-consumption weakness.  Also, an arrow pointer toward the yellow car would be great when it's off-screen to know where to find it; the first time I tried it I hadn't even seen the yellow car, so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

Great job!

Aw, dude, coming from you, that means SO MUCH.
You're not the only one to have made those suggestions and I intended to update the game further to make it better.
Everything I put into it was kinda rushed given the 3-day limit and I wanted to make this the best game I could. But it can still be a lot better and so I want to see that through.
I'm most pleased that the conflict about picking up the power-ups came through readily enough, though! I wasn't sure I did a good enough job in that regard. I can definitely improve that system, though - I don't think the effect of the power-ups were powerful enough to make them enough of a catch-22. And I may need to increase the gas penalty to really make the player think twice about using them at all.
Thank you so much for giving my game a spin!

My pleasure!  I was thinking, perhaps the player's car could be configurated by default to be unable to catch the yellow car due to speed, maneuverability, etc., so getting a few powerups would be required; in addition to the challenge of catching the yellow car, the player would be juggling how many powerups to get, which ones, and when to stop grabbing them.  I believe right now you can fully avoid the powerups and catch up to the yellow car with some good driving, so I could imagine seeing the yellow car slowly pulling further ahead would give the player the motivation to swing to the side and grab a speed boost powerup to continue the pursuit. :)