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A member registered Jul 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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How'd you guys my secret identity?!

Okay, THAT had me unnerved. LOL For a game that's just a couple minutes long, the effect was palpable. Your daughter did a GREAT job on the art. That creature is enough to live on the edge of my dreams.

YES, I'm so sorry about that. I realized the problem, myself, after I submitted the game but I ran out of time before the deadline.
I will surely fix that in future updates.
I'm so delighted that you had a great time playing it!

You should totally still be able to play it. Is it not letting you???

I wish I could give this game a fair try but I lack all the resources needed to play - and I sincerely can't afford them right now. But I share in Matt's praise that this is a genuinely awesome idea - most game submissions usually are video games and not table tops. That was ambitious!!

I'm very glad you enjoyed playing my game. Thank you for giving a try!
And that's a great idea! I used pre-made art assets so I was already well aware of which was was "up" for the car and didn't think it would be an issue. But I will take your suggestion to heart and work on a fix for that.
The screensize issue was not something I was aware of until after it was too late. I uploaded the game with a mere 15 minutes to spare and did not have time to properly adjust the dimensions accordingly. However, future updates will see a fix for that.

LOL Yes, I tried to account for possible issues like that but I did miss those nuances where the truck would go crazy. There are invisible waypoints that the truck will work its way towards and sometimes it misses because of the angle of the turns it makes and so it just gets off course and loses its way.
I'm grinning ear to ear that you though it was fun and diabolical! I wasn't aiming for "diabolical" but I'm so glad for that input.
Thank you so much for trying it. I hope to put some updates out soon and make it even better.

Aw, dude, coming from you, that means SO MUCH.
You're not the only one to have made those suggestions and I intended to update the game further to make it better.
Everything I put into it was kinda rushed given the 3-day limit and I wanted to make this the best game I could. But it can still be a lot better and so I want to see that through.
I'm most pleased that the conflict about picking up the power-ups came through readily enough, though! I wasn't sure I did a good enough job in that regard. I can definitely improve that system, though - I don't think the effect of the power-ups were powerful enough to make them enough of a catch-22. And I may need to increase the gas penalty to really make the player think twice about using them at all.
Thank you so much for giving my game a spin!

Probably the best implementation of the theme I've seen yet. Truly being weak even while having "all" the power!
The graphics are clean and crisp. The audio feels epic and in line with the do-or-die scenario. The controls are simple, fluid, and easy to adapt to.

The game absolutely vibes with theme. My first instinct was to catch the mushrooms on the fork until I realized I kept losing for doing so! (I didn't see the instructions on the play screen at first.)
It was hard to really enjoy this, though, because of the obvious inference of f*** by way of "fork".
The controls, however, are tight and could not be more simple.
The audio was clean even though it could some background ambiance could be heard in the background just barely. (But this was a speedgame own game doesn't have any sound!! So, I can't fault you for that.)

It took me 6-7 attempts before I finally got the boulder up the hill................and then I accidentally CHUCKED it completely over the while block at the top!! LOL So then I took one of the smaller rocks and used it to launch myself over the while block to my doom. Frustratingly fun. The kind of game that aggravates you so much that you want to finish it just to spite it. LOL Honestly, that was SUCH a challenge! Deceptively hard!! It was like the ragdoll physics had ragdoll physics!

This is a BRILLIANT game! A truly inspired version of Tetris (and there have been MANY variations to the Tetris model).

I love the "interactive" notion of having to manually push the "Tetris trash" pieces to get them just how you want them to be. But it gets more complicated than that - you have to reshape the pieces to form the lines. Even though you can push the garbage back, you could just ruin your chance to make a line and get more time. That's where the strategy comes into play and the shooting of the pieces.

Truly a phenomenal concept!

I would encourage you to update the graphics just a bit because the purely greyscale images are often difficult (to my mind) to discern from the background. Overall, it's not bad but sometimes it tends to blend together. Mind you, the visuals are still top-notch and the old-school pixel art style is perfect! The details are evident and they do pop!

The controls are easy to use and isn't difficult to figure out how to move around the space.
(I did find a small issue during the Name Entry bit after I lost the game. When I tried to enter my name with "Okay" highlighted, pressing the Enter key or Spacebar did not do anything. I had to use my mouse to click on "Okay" to enter my name for the high score.

The music is perfect! It fits the space environment theme similar to the minimalistic bloops and bleeps of the original Metroid soundtrack for the NES. In Metroid, the music was sparse, giving a vibe of isolation and trepidation. In your game, the music is light-hearted but also with a feeling of being far out in space. It feels like the music is "pixelated" with the graphics.

Although I did not get very far, the concept is solid and the presentation was excellent.

Suggestions for improvements:
- Refine the graphics just a bit to make game pieces pop more vividly. Sometimes it was hard to tell active pieces floating to the left from inactive pieces that had reached the far left with all the other garbage stacking up.
- The tutorial at the start is great but a guided process with more details of what happens when you move pieces around and when you push the garbage back would be helpful.

GREAT GAME, Mr Jacobson!!

Thank you so much! I'm well aware of how simple and unrefined the game is. Yet that you and others are really enjoying means a lot to me.

Besides, it's an ORIGINAL genre! I know because I checked.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm rather shocked that this is happening - I thought I had accounted for such a possibility in the way I set up checkpoints. But I'll test this out and see if I can fix it.
GOOD JOB in finding the bug, too!

That is definitely on my (mental) list. I like it!

What sells this idea is the simplicity and the range of activities that can be done...or the possibility of what can be done if the game is expanded upon (such as alternative activities depending on what time of day it is when the button is pressed). A simplistic life sim which rich life carefully crafted into the visuals and audio. The button-hold is sadly a violation of the rules but an alternative for future development could where a button press advances the time by so many seconds. I hope you will continue with this project.

It's my pleasure. I'm glad I could help! I'm eager to see what this game will become. :D

I would really like to see this game idea - a delivery system of dreams - expanded upon. I think you have a SOLID game idea that could spark a wonderful world of gameplay and even a story. You could have your own kind of "Mario" series.

You already show a wonderful sense of humor in the way you make the bosses seem big and bad (definitely big, and that's great) but then they're like, "Oh, I'm defeated. Eh, whatever. Bye now!" And there's the other details I mentioned earlier. The lighthearted nature of everything is just right.

Having a delivery man (of dreams!) who shoots a special star weapon is not exactly the most ORIGINAL idea of them all (there are other similar concepts in some other games or even movies) but it is so rare. And "action delivery man"! So that's also to your benefit.

Further, ALL of this is set to the tone of being mythical - like the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and the like. You have an entire sub-world behind the scenes but centered around dreams. You can be as detailed as you want or just focus on the aspects of this dream delivery system that makes sense JUST to the game(s). But the possibilities are ripe and just waiting to be created (in my opinion).

I could go on and on, probably LOL, about the possibilities I see in your game here. But, the key point is that it's YOUR game. I will pass along to Scott that I suggested this to you. If this is an idea you would like to pursue, I'd be very glad to offer any help I can give you, too.

WELL DONE on this game. So well done.

The simplicity is far from an issue under the context of the game jam and yet it wasn't boring even then. :)

(1 edit)

This game is simple, but it is a lot of fun.
The graphics are colorful, whimsical, and simple to understand.
The music is catchy and upbeat.
The controls are not the best (but then I don't do keyboard controls all that well normally) but extremely responsive.

I particularly like the playful nature of the game - from a dream-delivering postal agent to the silly bosses who seem all big and bad until they're beaten. My favorite enemy, while oddly out of place in a dream world, is the cell phone who attacks with literal ringing.

While the variety of enemies are few (and since this was for a game jam where time is limited, that's understandable), there was certain care that went into some of their placement. The trio of circling stars was actually a small but worthy challenge for me as I had to think about my jumps and my timing through them.

My favorite aspect of the game is the final boss - who, at this writing, I have yet to beat and I've tried about ten times already! I have beaten some of the hardest games out there, and I can't beat this boss! It's GREAT!

At first, I thought the boss attack was going to be simple projectiles, and while that remains true throughout the battle, I was so very surprised to see that he doesn't just change forms, but he has FOUR of them! Each with a slightly different mechanic (the ghost is a MEANIE-HEAD!). Although the nightmare and doctor forms have relatively the same attack style, I was very impressed with the difference between the ghost and snake movements, making each form have its own strategy required to survive.

What I'm particularly impressed about is that the nightmare boss takes the form of what so many young people have fears about. That shows there was a lot of good thought that went into this boss' design.

Ramping up the boss' HP was a bold move considering the first two bosses were relative pushovers in comparison. But this is nicely balanced by the semi-random heart drop. And I surely needed those hearts. (I still hate the ghost. He ALWAYS hits me.)

Even the level select menu has some clever details as the theme of being a work place message board is easy to pick up on and shows good humor as well.

As a game jam entry, there is no doubt improvements to the game would have been made had there been time but make no mistake, this is a solidly-made game. The simplicity of it all is not a setback. There are glimpses of what makes good games really good all throughout this project.

If there was any particular "negative" I would point out, it's simply that there would need to be more variety of enemy placement along with the terrain design, forcing the player to rethink their progression compared to earlier encounters. (Such has how you used a trio of stars together rather than separately.) Examples of what you could do might something like...
- Altering the falling blocks so that when some are falling, others are raising back up.
- Make the player have to jump across floating blocks while an angry cell phone shoots (rings) at them but they have to use the same floating blocks as shields before they can safely progress.
- Make the rolling balls roll along right next to each other in a way where there is only one safe space between them that the player has to constantly jump into before having to quickly jump again.

All in all, I have totally enjoyed this game and tomorrow - after I get off work - I'm GOING to beat that nightmare boss!! I WILL BE DONE, I TELL YOU! LOL