Okay, respectfully, WTF did I just play? It was confusing, but I really liked that actually.
I love the whole monsters invading thing. I’m not a fan of AI art since I think it looks generic and boring (I won’t go into morals since that’s been debated to death already). However, it sure can produce some badass looking monsters, which I thought was fitting for a game like this.
You definitely need some kind of instructions at least in the description. I really liked it, but I had very little clue what was going on. It took me several tries just to understand the mechanics. Being able to figure it out eventually and beating the game was satisfying for someone like me, but I bet most people will just drop the game after the first or second try and not understanding anything. Hell, I’m not even sure why I beat the boss at the end. I thought I didn’t have enough dice for it, I just spammed all of the rest and I guess the super weapon was enough at the end or something? Some more feedback for the player might be necessary as well!
By the way, is the game concept from somewhere? I feel like I haven’t seen it like this, but maybe I’m just unaware.