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I kinda get the ideas. It's nice to be able to venture for something and fight waves of enemies.

While the overall aesthetic is nice. The control is rather unfriendly for players.

It's adding difficulties on top of the NPC side.

Also I don't even know how to control during the waves and kinda lost during venture time.

The HUD is too minimal, it didn't show much needed info. So I'm not even sure how the wave defend triggered. Maybe after I talked with the NPC? Well then that's added difficulty if I have no clue what I'm getting into, right?

So maybe provide more clues toward various activities. Draw the clear borders between the venture scene and the wave scene, so the player knows when to venture and when to defend.

yeah.. im sorry it for sure has problems, and i never was able to convey, the wave survival is just basicly a cutscene to see if you survived another night,  perhaps if i spent more than 3 real days on it and had ever made a 3d game before heh.. , i do kinda wnat to go back and patch up this game tho so its more friendly and has a couple more features down the road tho.

Sure, keep working on it.