Lilly and Orbit:
Gimmick: Lily and Orbit are a “puppet and puppeteer” character (similar to rosalina and luma from smash bros), and as such have a unique gimmick, allowing you to attack with orbit at any time by holding the attack button for about a second (which can be indicated by white dots emitting from Orbit). Orbit can launch itself towards an enemy and deal 8 damage aswell as small knockback or low shield damage. Orbit is the single best combo extender in the game, being able to be charged during the animations of other attacks for zero downsides other than the time it takes for Orbit to return to Lilie’s shoulder to be used again.
Basic Attack: Lillie’s basic attack is a gemstone kick that deals 16 damage. This attack has high shield damage, aswell as a unique multihit mechanic. The first hit does zero damage, and has large startup, but if it hits a target it stuns them and triggers the second hit, which is a 16 damage crystal explosion that has large knockback. This attack both works as a raw attack or a combo finisher, and gives distance from you and your target, however Lily and Orbit is the character at the worst position when at long range, so it's advised to get close as soon as possible.
Dash Attack: Lilie’s dash attack is a long jump that deals zero damage. This attack entirely bypasses shield, and functions uniquely from every other attack in the game, causing you to leap over your opponent to get to the other side of the arena. This “attack” doesn’t serve a traditional role, and is exclusively used to switch sides of the arena and potentially canceling your opponent's attack. In complete honesty I have found zero use for this attack in serious combat, as it doesn’t actually deal any damage, nor does it work as a combo starter, my best guess for how to use this is as a way to charge orbit, and knock them back but considering its high risk for low reward you will find more success with other attacks.
Crouch Attack: Lillie’s crouch attack is a low kick that deals 4 damage. This attack deals low damage on shield, but is a very good combo extender, shield tool as it has both low startup and endlag. This attack is excellent as a multipurpose tool, as its low commitment means you can use it with relatively low risk. I find that the crouch attack specifically tends to work as a stalling tool until Orbit is ready to be used again, comboing into an up attack to increase your combo.
Up Attack: Lillie’s up attack is an electric pulse multihit that deals a total of 12 damage. This attack deals moderate shield damage, and will electrocute your enemy long enough to combo into the next of its 3 part multihit. This attack is an excellent combo extender, and combos perfectly with Orbit, as the long duration of the move is enough for Orbit to fully charge and allow you to extend your combo with crouch attacks.
Air Attack: Lillie’s air attack is a knee jab or dropkick that deals 5 or 8 damage. This attack has 2 very different variants, with the knee jab being the basic version, and the dropkick being inputted by holding left or right while attacking in the air, the knee jab is a fast shorter range attack that knocks the enemy upward and the dropkick is slower with longer range and not knocking enemies back. While working differently both attacks serve well as combo starters, with both working well, the knee jab tends to combo into itself better while the dropkick can combo into an up attack.
Special Attack: Lillie’s special attack is a forward launching punch that deals 20 damage. This attack deals high shield damage and is generally a great attack to use as a combo finisher. While being one of the best attacks in the game it is difficult to properly utilize due to its Input, Forward, Down, Down + Forward + Attack to use, and as such is not incredibly helpful in combat unless you have mastered the rest of the moveset and are willing to go a step beyond your prowess.
Super Attack: Lillie’s super attack is a group of 4 orbiting stars that does 4 damage per hit. This attack is unique to the rest, as it is a passive group of hitboxes that will swirl around your player, greatly increasing the damage of any potential combos you do while they are active. This attack is a contender for the strongest in the game, as it allows you to deal massive damage in tandem with your learned combos.
Tips and Tricks: Lily and Orbit is a very versatile character, but struggles at a distance due to having the worst long distance coverage in the game, so it's highly recommended to stay at close range to deter your opponent from risking longer ranged attacks. It is incredibly important to utilize Orbit in combat, as if played correctly it effectively makes your opponent need to account for a second opponent that acts separately to yourself.