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(1 edit) (+1)

Was expanding the limits of what the game engine could handle part of the theme?  I think it expanded so much, it sprung a (memory) leak!  I tried playing the Android version first, then the Windows version directly from the Ren'Py launcher, but it finally stopped crashing after I hit the toggle.  

I didn't hold it against you, though, as big name game console titles often have to put out patches right away, and they spend tens of thousands of dollars on development and play testing.

In some aspects, I feel like this is a tech demo of the absolute limits of what is possible in Ren'Py.  If you ever do decide to implement an integrated combat system in the future, it probably will be!

Being unfamiliar with the source material (the game inspiration and some of the initial wolves), it took me a bit to catch on to the concept, but I got there soon enough, so I don't think it would be too confusing for most people to pick up on.

At the start, I wasn't sure if I was watching a cutscene or supposed to be playing (the gun and grass scene)... it reminded me a bit of growing up with an older brother who gave me controller two while he was playing a one player game and trying to convince me that I was the one actually playing (it never worked, btw).  I figured out after the fourth time watching that it spelled out the bolo's name.

It was impressive how you took the time to customize the dialogue boxes out of the games the characters were from.  That being said, the visual chaos was just a bit much for my eyes to comprehend.  I think the same effect could be achieved while just using the custom fonts and colors in the name boxes, but you certainly went all out with references!  I appreciate the tribute to so many other projects.

I've only just learned how to use transform to make a character walk off the screen on the last day of the jam, and you have everyone floating and spinning and stretching all over the place!  I can't even imagine coding all of that in for, what, around 20 characters on the screen at once?   Again, speaking while not knowing the reference material, it may have been a bit less cluttered to have small versions of the wolves or even just balls of light floating around that 'expand' only when speaking or attacking.

I did appreciate the 'Encyclowolfopedia' for the entries I was unfamiliar with, and loved the joke with WW's Charles understanding everyone's English, yet no one understanding his French.  C'est tragique.  I was confused for a bit with some of the other character gags, but mostly figured them out as the story went on.

As far as grammer, the main recurring issue I noticed was with capitalizing words that shouldn't be.  It's not something that bothers me personally, but may be an issue for sticklers.

In terms of creativity, bravo!  This one certainly stands out from among the rest of the entries.  I wasn't sure what would be waiting for me playing your entry, but I was sure it would be something unique.  Can't wait to see it finished!


Thank you for the kind words! Itā€™ll be interesting to go through your VNā€™s in release order and see what you learned along the way.

Although I had a question regarding the ā€œAs far as grammer, the main recurring issue I noticed was with capitalizing words that shouldnā€™t be.ā€ Can you give an example?

(5 edits)

Sure, and here it can get a bit confusing, especially in regard to military ranks.  Military titles, such as captain, major, colonel, and general,  should be capitalized only when they are used as part of a name or in place of a name.

For example, "the lieutenant went to scout ahead" versus "I told you Lieutenant to get your butt over here!" or "Where is Commander Vandjam?"

Just saying "the army" would not be capitalized, whereas if the proper name were "The Interplanetary Offensive Coalition" it would be.

In 'Expand your next Wolf', wolf would not be capitalized, even if it is considered an army rank, but saying "Wolf Marcus" as if addressing him with a title would be.

Another line is "Then how does the Army know to use Bechamel instead of ricotta"  Here, army would be lowercase, along with bechamel.  Bechamel is not a specific brand of sauce with a proper name, thus would not be capitalized, similar to ricotta.

"He was a Government-distributed..." would be "government" unless  it is part of the proper name of the government.

"... my Special Ability" probably should not be capitalized, though if they shout "Special Ability: Hoe Around!" it should be.

"Quarry # 63 has just extracted an Obsidian Slab with a Statisee." should  be "obsidian slab with a statisee."  You can sort of bend the rules a bit here if it is a computer reporting, as if it were reading the code it is programmed with.

"... a Medium-Small unexplored Catacombs will soon be revealed" would just be a medium-small unexplored catacombs, since it is not a specific set.  If you were to even say "the French catacombs" catacombs would not be capitalized, as it is not the proper name, but "Catacombs of Paris" would be since that is the official name.  (Though the computer reporting caveat mentioned above remains).

Again, this isn't something that bothers me at all.  It was just one of the few things I still remember that drilled into me when I worked at the newspaper and had to assist in proofreading sometimes before going to press.  We had to take a bit of extra care on any stories involving the military, as we would immediately be called out on it.  I only filled in when the news editor was out or on vacation, so my grammar is FAR from perfect.  I was only expected to catch major blunders since I wasn't one of the writers.   

I have found that if you do err, it's better to do so with extra capitalization in a military story.  Some military publications will break the rules themselves when writing, capitalizing a lot of things that aren't supposed to be, so you may want to take that into consideration as well.  Sorry if this is overload!  I'm probably not the best person to try and explain.

I hope this helps!


Iā€™ll look at this after the activities for today are over.


Okay, finally time to look at this.

This VN is heavily based off of an Japanese-RPG so thatā€™s why a lot of things are capitalized when in normal literature they shouldnā€™t be.

I do agree that bechamel should be lowercase. I swore that the Mother Sauces get capitalized.

Government-distributed should be lowercase.

Medium-Small should be lowercase too.

Everything else, I feel like is just RPG This-Is-Important-So-Capitalize-It, speak.

Thank you for reporting these. I will change those that I agree with you on in July.

No worries!  I'm personally not a stickler on grammer, I just know some people can be!  I can certainly understand your decision.

It was just a minor observation in passing, so when you asked for clarification, I just re-read through the beginning for examples.  I expounded more on that part because it's something that for me personally that was confusing, and that I was reprimanded for once at my old job.  I don't think you'll have veterans calling up your boss wanting you to get fired over it! (long story)

I also didn't go through past the first screen mentioning the catacombs, since I was just wanting to give a few examples, so there may be other examples later in the game, since I wasn't trying to beat you in the head with it.

I hope it didn't come across as nitpicking or critical; I just tried to mention things in my review that other people haven't already said. ; ) 


Donā€™t worry, youā€™re fine dude. I understand.