Thanks for playing and the feedback! The gold dropping timing was a bit of trial and error. I toyed with which state to put the spawning of coins in. I think the real fix would have been making death animations shorter. I like them and death animations I always find fun, so they tend to be a bit larger than other anims. Regarding room transitions and enemies, I do try to make sure that the player doesn't feel like it was cheap shot, but I always miss one or two. I also made the assumption that the player would recognize the end room by its size, a save spot, and chest. It was one of those assumptions where I was partially wrong. It seemed like there was a mixed reaction with playtesters about that as well.
And yeah, I laughed out loud when the image of the final scene popped in my head and usually if something makes me laugh during development, 99% it goes into the game.
Once again thanks for the feedback. It definitely helps!