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I'm rather quite enjoying the game so far! I always love seeing lore and stories in games like these because I can see the passion being put to work in the project. I have a few bugs I've noticed that I'd like to report really quickly, and a few suggestions.

The most major bug I've found is that the Forest Arion still did her scene after I defeated her. I couldn't quite recreate it since I kept losing to her after, so it could have been a glitch. This next one is minor, but I could try and craft a major spirit with the shrine before I got the journal.

A few suggestions then, which is most likely already being worked on, so apologies if I'm just spewing thoughts: In the beginning I was rather confused on what to do after I talked to the mayor. There were really no signs other than go to the shrine. It took me a little bit to realize I could go up past the shrine through the pathway to obtain the journal. My suggestion is a bit more directions? And possibly a bit more leniency on combat, as in the beginning of each turn i have to either tank the first hit as I summon, or use my focus or dodge to just spam simple spells on the enemy. I also haven't seen an increase on mana for the journal, but I'm only on level three so that may just be bad playing on my part.

Other than that, pretty good game so far! Keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure the game will grow.

Thank you for the feedback!
I believe the issue with the Forest Arion should be fixed in the most recent version of the game, but if it’s not I’ll have it resolved in 0.1.0.
I think I’ll add a suggestion to the player to try and leave the village after their first encounter with Sitria, hopefully that will alleviate any confusion about where to go at that point. 
As far as combat goes, Sam’s options being quite limited (at least in the beginning) is mostly intentional, since I want the protagonist to feel weak. In an earlier version of the game you would have been able to summon at the onset of battle, so I may bring that feature back, although if you have any suggestions about what else Sam could do in battle I’d be happy to hear them!

The protagonist seems to be mainly defending themselves, so maybe you could have the journal/spirits be able to protect them on their turn too? And maybe to show how weak they are, you could give them an action that does minimal damage when they're weak

hmm i might rework the Cobble Spirit to be able to protect a party member for a turn or two, i wouldnt want to add an ability like that to every spirit though
it wouldnt serve much gameplay purpose but i kinda like the idea of sam having an action where he tries to damage the monstrae, it does nothing, and he ends up losing resolve as a result

ill think about what i could give him for the early game but tbh i think it might be best to stick with the sort of pokemon-style simplicity where every mon just knows tackle.  as he levels up and acquires new items though he is intended to get more abilities and variety, they just arent in the game yet since this is the very beginning of the story i have planned